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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. Still word that there is better than a 50/50 chance that Connor Brewer transfers back to Texas. He would be the leader in the clubhouse to step in as QB. Word is that Heard and Swoopes (please no) have looked a lot better. Bryant Young looks to be the leader for the new DT coach and either Traylor from Gilmer or Westerberg from Allen will be the new TE coach. Interestingly, the number 1 OL recruit in the country is from Allen. We're getting the younger Boyd with or without Traylor. But Jeff is very well liked and would be a great recruiter imo.
  2. I am actually (gasp) a fan of Tannehill. He has improved each season he's been in the league, in my opinion anyway. You would have hoped (given his situation at A&M) to be the case and had tremendous upside because of it. I don't know that he's the guy or If he isn't for the Dolphins. But I can certainly understand their belief that he is.
  3. Your post assumes two things: 1) that Chris Rumph was our DC instead of our defensive line coach; and 2) that Charlie knew he was leaving. At best you're one for two because one we know is false, the other you are guessing about. But we all know what they say about assuming...
  4. Escape the little Apple with a 61-57 win.
  5. They can't miss now. Hopefully Barnes can draw up an inbound play that gets the ball to Taylor or Turner.
  6.   Aggy not too bright.  Or did Rumph change his name to "Chuckie"?   #obsessionnoted
  7. That would have been a plausible explanation but no deals have been made with him (or offered either from what I am told).
  8. He went Curt Gowdy on us! Forgot that one. Great, iconic voice.
  9. I will only say I have no idea why he decided to testify before the grand jury. Not saying I am the foremost expert on the subject but I would have STRONGLY advised him against this. And although we will probably never know, I have a hard time believing his counsel did not do just that.
  10. We have not seen the last of the charges to come, and there is likely some criminal action that won't be prosecuted. It is important to remember that a responsible prosecutor will only bring charges that he or she thinks will end in a conviction. Sometimes, they may know what is very likely to have occurred, but do not have sufficient evidence to legally "connect the dots" to meet the burden of proving beyond a reasonable doubt. A prosecutor, like the BISD trustees, is a steward of taxpayer money and should not be wasteful in his or her endeavors. But to think that all of the BISD corruption/illegal activities has already been exposed is naive at best in my opinion.
  11. Play by play: Baseball - Vin Scully (hands down) Basketball - Marv Albert (personal favorite - Johnny Most) Football - Al Michaels (Pro); Keith Jackson (college) Color: Baseball - Tim McCarver, Joe Gargiola Basketball - Dick Vitale Football - Howard Coselle, Chris Collinworth (Pro); Charles Davis (College)
  12. Try this offseason. AD is a basketball game who wanted Barnes gone from the day he got hired.
  13. I'm seriously torn on how to root the rest of the season.
  14. It's okay fellas. Aggy is nervous. They ran this state for 12 seconds, during which time, they compiled a record of mediocrity to which they should already be accustomed. Now that reign is over, they are back behind big brother in the recruiting front, and the results on the field will soon follow. What I can't figure out is that when you've spent your entire existence as second fiddle, shouldn't you be used to it by now??
  15. How does an Aggy fix his mouth to say that? 😂😂
  16. I remember well that display of patheticism... And if we did that, we'd have like 15 NCs so....
  17. Extensions. And the last guy we hired has as many NCs as your university in its history ;)
  18. Wouldn't it have to be since you have to go back to FDR's presidency to find a championship?
  19. Neither are 5 stars on rivals.
  20. Or the same amount as Texas, depending on which service you view :rolleyes:
  21. Aggy believe Sumlin is better, gave him huge contract extension. Aggy believed Frantastic was the answer. Gave him huge contract extension. Aggy believed the Sherminator was the answer. Gave him huge contract extension. Aggy = confederacy of dunces. Hth. Ywia.
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