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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. Aggy believe Sumlin is better, gave him huge contract extension. Aggy believed Frantastic was the answer. Gave him huge contract extension. Aggy believed the Sherminator was the answer. Gave him huge contract extension. Aggy = confederacy of dunces. Hth. Ywia.
  2. If by "not likely" you mean "almost certainly", I would completely agree. :D
  3. Because he is a better "coach" than Sumblin. More with less vs. Less with more. Not a difficult concept. Now if we are talking dancing in the locker room with the fellas, it's Swaggy K all day, every day...
  4. Mack can make an immediate impact anywhere. Huge get for the Ags. His recruiting antics remind me of Tommie Harris who had a nice career at OU and in the NFL. I'm sure he will shore up that middle and make one of the better young DL tandems with Garrett.
  5. Because he hasn't been run off. If you are that thin at QB, do you really want Lou Holz's grandson as your backup plan?
  6. This was the one of the big ones I worried about. Because we need his little brother next year as well.
  7. I know by funny, you mean horrible. As in a train wreck that won't stop...
  8. Great question. The knock on Heard is that as bad as Swoopes was, Heard was even worse. In practice. Not many play better than they practice. There is an exception to the rule every now and then, but generally the reverse is true.
  9. I thought it was A&M by process of elimination. Having said that, as PM19 has suggested, if he could extend signing day for a month or two, he would.
  10. 😂😂 One of the best twitter accounts out there
  11. I think it's more than rumor. Interestingly, a week ago TCU was supposedly out. all signs point to A&M.
  12. In my mind, Montana was always the standard. But he had a lot of hall of famers surrounding him and had the greatest WR to ever lace em up to throw too. Outside of the one year with a dominant Randy Moss (when they went 16-0), Brady always seems to lead a rag tag bunch. With 6 SBs and 4 rings, and all the numbers to match, he's at the top of my list. Of course, it's subjective which is the fun of talking about it. No right answers. My old man would still tell you that none of them are as good as Johhny U.
  13. Jimmie Johnson, Barry Switzer, and Pete Carroll. All won NCAA championships and Super Bowls. Yet one of these is >>>>>>>>>>>>> than the others...
  14. 4 TD passes. It's not fantasy football. The 5 yard TD counts the same as the 40 yarder. The pass to Gronk before halftime was a thing of beauty. The one to Amendola was perfectly thrown too.
  15. Sooo, with this win, does Brady take the lead as the greatest QB of all time? I would have to say yes.
  16. That in and out move Edelmon makes on that goal line route is nasty by the way...
  17. Not to necessarily give him the ball but to keep defense honest. He basically showed our D the play when they lined up... Part of White's success that night was having him and Reggie in the backfield together.
  18. Another example of why Belichek is smarter than me. I would have called timeout. He's thinking, let pete choke..
  19. Bob Kraft - "Our people didn't touch the balls." And my son and his friends start giggling uncontrollably :rolleyes:
  20. I didn't think it could get worse than the bullseye he put on Lindale White's back on that 4th and 2. I was wrong.
  21. Per Justin Wells Twitter - "Garrett Gilbert gets a Super Bowl ring. Let that sink in."
  22. Stay classy Bennett. Glad they didn't eject Gronk. Took a punch right to the chin.
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