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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. Lol. His nickname is #obsessionnoted Also, decommits and "offer pulled" mean the same thing in aggyland. Also, most of the "decommits" are 3 stars, replaced with 4 and 5 stars. Also, Texas will end up with a higher ranked class than aggy. Also, oh never mind - don't want to ruin the little fella's super bowl Sunday any further...
  2. I know what you mean - I have been very unimpressed with him in the past. But this class and the way they've played this year, I've come around a bit on him. By the same token, I've gone back and forth on Barnes too. I'm currently on the bring Shaka Smart to Austin team.
  3. With the best recruiting class in their history coming in next year. Kennedy has done a good job.
  4. Now you know that was tongue in cheek OT. I couldn't agree with you more on all counts. Good post.
  5. Well, I guess after Wednesday we can officially add an * to #wrts. As in #WRTS* *not including big brother in Austin #letsride
  6. I said over a month ago we were getting Malik, Mack, hill and Boyd. I plan on batting 1.000 on those 4.
  7. You may be right but reversed. Soso is ours. We will find out if warren goes elsewhere because of soso.
  8. You obviously have a hard time with reading comprehension. Is it that stellar anahuac or aggy education to blame? We went 6-7 last season. We will finish with a better recruiting class. #youdensebro?
  9. And yet going to likely finish with a higher class than poor aggy. Is that more sad or scary for you?
  10. You better hope. Poor aggy lost recruiting ground and probably lost the recruiting battle all together on signing day. To a lowly team that went 6-7 and had 59 yards in their bowl game (which you have posted more than 59 times). Sadly, on the cusp of year two, of a new and yet to be successful coach, it's already slip sliding away. But congrats on hanging on to the kid of one of your all time top 5 QBs?
  11. The more things change, the more they stay the same. Always in that dome.... #obsessionnoted. 😂😂
  12. "Lipstick on a pig" as my grandpa used to say....
  13. That is seeming more and more like a good bet. Aggy gets a blip every now and then. Hope you enjoyed it ;)
  14. [Hidden Content] #letsride 🐂🐂
  15. Wow. Thanks for sharing. Goosebumps...
  16. Meh, they have a lot of meals coming in the future in Austin...
  17. Wow. His face says he's already moved on.
  18. Agreed on Davis. Look for his next contract to be enormous. Probably the most overall productive player in the League.
  19. Hope he works out as well for you guys as Case McCoy ;)
  20. We don't expect total dominance. Another Natty will be just fine.
  21. Me too. Not a fan of Ketch at all. Although I do hope he's right about Kyler.
  22. That and getting back to the Texas tradition of picking who we want...
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