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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. Recruiting coordinator for Charlie? [Hidden Content]
  2. They just don't make em like Mr. Cub anymore. The closest we've had retired last season.
  3. A not so well kept secret has Kyler going to flip to the Horns, and commits forthcoming from Lodge and Mack. Allegedly Aggy OC was told as much (about Kyler) today.
  4. He means legacy in the use of the word that Kyler's dad is an Aggie.* *although apparently not a proud one.
  5. Oh I thought this was about Kyler. He gone too...
  6. No no no. What he promised is that he would list him at 6'3" in the media guide. Get your facts straight.
  7. 😂😂😂
  8. The Murray clan did meet with Augie... Seems they may prefer an annual trip to Omaha vs. An annual viewing of Omaha on Espn...
  9. But Sumblin got that swag. So...
  10. Hadn't thought of that. Wow - I would watch!
  11. Meanwhile, commit from South Florida Devonaire Clarington tweeting to Kris Boyd to "get his a&$ to Austin."
  12. Barkley is a lot funnier than Kobe. And by a lot, I mean Chuck is hilarious and Kobe is not.
  13. Among the meetings taken by the Murrays Wednesday were one with Augie Garrido and a lengthy one with Shawn Watson. And Kevin is not shy about telling anyone and everyone he doesn't want Kyler at A&M. So much for that spirit in aggyland.
  14. Cowherd had the best punishment idea I've heard for Belichek. Make him be on Hard Knocks the next two seasons. Might be enough to force him to resign.
  15. In all fairness, I'm not sure it was Cam Newton money. One thing about the $EC, no one wants investigations...
  16. Not what I said. What I said was that not so long ago, Aggies were claiming that stars didn't mean much. Texasgs.com backs that up. FTR, I agree the stars system is right more times than not. Especially on 5 stars.
  17. Aggies are ALL about the stars now that they have had a brief success with recruiting. Once they are picking up scraps again, stars will "mean nothing" in Aggieland. (See recruiting threads on TexAgs during the Mack Brown era.)
  18. Yet, during his tenure, he managed to equal the number of "real" NCs as your school ;) (and play for another). So while he did less with more, it was still more than, well, you know ;)
  19. No, we but you accidentally found a new slogan. "The SEC - doing less with more...."
  20. But to be serious, that would be the distinction. Some kids go with their friends, etc. If it's not official, you are practically telling them they can't go to any cities with universities in them.
  21. In that case I would say pull the offer for sure. He will likely be too dumb to stay eligible. What kind of moron spends their own money to go to college station?? ;)
  22. I like Peyton better. He's funnier and seems like a great guy. But this year is another example of why Brady is the best of this Era.
  23. They likely would have Gordon or Abdullah available when they draft. Or pick up AP as people have suggested. All of which would be a LOT cheaper. RBs are easier to get than an elite wide out like Dez. With a lot shorter shelf life obviously.
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