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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. You are the resident expert on looking silly... However....the L$U example isn't gossip. That info comes from THE source. You can choose to believe what you want. Fact is, anytime the Ags have been relevant for any period of time (in the non-leather helmet era), they have been caught cheating. They join the dirtiest conference there is and all of a sudden they aren't getting the culls year in and year out like they were, despite consecutive 7th and 9th place conference finishes. The only difference in this stretch and the previous ones is that this time you apparently don't have a coach who can take those paid players and win.
  2. If by feet, you mean pockets, then I agree with you. One of your brethren just predicted aggy would win the NC season after next and we can't handle the truth? 😂😂😅
  3. I can take you to an L$U practice and walk around the parking lot. Virtually every vehicle is from the same dealership. The guy who owns/runs the dealership is not an L$U alum, not a booster, but sits in a box at every game. And has been providing Tiger$ with wheels for over a decade.
  4. Geez - I wonder why???? 😂😂😂😂😂 The smell of the Mississip just that alluring?
  5. The SEC is the deciding factor. Why? Let's look back at the previous times A&M bested UT in recruiting. What happened? What was the deciding factor? Was it that Collie Station was more desirable than Austin? Was it that A&M had suddenly become a better institution than Texas? Maybe, but maybe not $$$$ A&M went the conference where $$$ is rampant and there is no shame in $$$howing recruits the benefits of playing in that conference. It is no secret that it is the dirtiest of the dirty. But I'm sure, unlike last time, A&M is running a clean ship. I mean, I hear College Station is lovely now this time of year... So let's just step off our little recruiting soap boxes and call a spade a spade. The sad part is this time you can't even buy wins. Eventually, they will at least go where they can profit and win....
  6. Har_en needs to learn to play on both ends of the floor. He would never get my vote as long as he is so blatantly lazy on defense. :/
  7. Christian is flipping to OU too?!?!? Dang that was quick!
  8. Sumlin - less with more... Did I read correctly that someone predicted a NC year after next? Must be that upward trend in results...oh wait! As for the non-conference schedule, ASU is a decent game, although I'm sure it looked like a cupcake when scheduled. It will be a nail biter on whether the Ags are bowl eligible next year. The O/U in Vegas on Aggie wins was 7 this year. Should be about the same next year. If it gets to 7.5 or 8, I may have to come out of retirement.
  9. The OL decommits bothers me more than the RB. The coaches are all over another Rb in that class who was in Austin last weekend. If he commits, that's their guy. And it's no secret.
  10. The guy that he lives with is a Tech alum named Matt Copeland. He is apparently pushing for Baylor. I have met Matt and have several mutual friends. This much I can confirm. My understanding is Matt's father (?) used to coach with Briles? This I don't know for a fact. I also heard from a pretty reliable source that Stidham's parents are encouraging him to go to school out of state. This is also hearsay though. I guess we will see what will happen. The Tech deal apparently blew up when Kliff wouldn't guarantee the kid (when asked directly by Copeland) that he wouldn't redshirt this year. They were trying to get a commitment from KK that he would be the leader to start next year. Kliff told them he would be given every opportunity. But in fairness to KK, he did just have a true freshman (Mahomes) throw for over 600 yards against the #5 team in the country. I think, in reality, this spooked the kid as well.
  11. The person he lives with is a Tech alum but is pushing Baylor due to Briles (and this person's father's relationship with Briles). Word is that Stidham may end up with your Ducks. His parents (who no longer live in Stephenville) are pushing for him to choose a school out of state. Oregon leads there from what I hear.
  12. This is my biggest issue with him. Not sure he will put in the hours to prepare himself mentally and in the film room. You can't win at this level on athleticism, especially when you're no longer close to the best athlete on the field. The great QBs win between their ears as much or more as with their arms and legs. Whether Manziel has that kind of drive we shall see.
  13. Worst case scenario, John John would be a beast in midget wrestling...
  14. We needed a direct representative on the committee....
  15. Horseshoe. The Cub is a cool little bar with a little restaurant in the back that makes the best steak in town.
  16. If only they can trade for Calvin Johnson so he can do his patented scramble around and throw up a P for K to the best player on the field. Hell, it won him a heisman.
  17. We take coordinators from Auburn. Ags lose them to Auburn. #programprestige
  18. Final piece to the puzzle? Man, some of those pieces are lost 😂
  19. Especially on the defensive end. The job he did on Jonathan Holmes was outstanding.
  20. And if a certain AD would stay out of their biz...
  21. If someone commits who I think will commit, Stevenson was not going to be the top back in this class anyway for the Horns. More to come...
  22. Or maybe something about 3 of the board members?
  23. Agreed. One looks to be an NCAA tourney team, the other looks to be an NIT or CBI tourney team...
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