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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. I am guarded with Chip Brown reports. It's conjecture at best at this point. If his scenario comes to fruition, we will hear about it from sources other than a Longhorn beat writer. I would think there would be some disgruntled Texaa Bowl officials/sponsors who will be upset and talking due to lost revenue.
  2. Makes sense from the Aggies' standpoint. Fortunately, Chip is wrong more than he's right.
  3. On two SEC teams getting in?
  4. That team is scary deep. Very impressed with Duke too. Going to be a great year in CBB. Footnote: the Horns will crush the jayhawks on the boards this year. Kansas struggled with them last year with Embid and without Turner.
  5. If by probably, you mean definitely, then I agree.
  6. No worries GMPats. Sec will have one team at most. Big 12 has a better chance of getting in two. You heard it here.
  7. Disagree. Texas needs to lose. If they win, Russell Athletic Bowl in Orlando may well take them before Texas Bowl gets to pick. If they are available when Texas Bowl selects, can't imagine them passing over them.
  8. I wondered how long that would take. He had a lot of equity built up with the folks in W Texas. Using it up quick.
  9. I don't know that I've EVER seen a better freshman defensive player than Garrett. None that I can think of. He would be a huge loss for ANY defense. On THAT defense, it's catastrophic.
  10. That's actually who I would go after. He's got a lot of security at Miss St but a whole lot easier to get players in Gainesville.
  11. Awful. And it looks to me like Georgia is a completely different team with him playing. Hope he fully recovers and has a great career. He's fun to watch.
  12. I agree. It's bad enough we don't get to play each other anymore. On that note, I am not a fan of AD Patterson's in the least. But if he would right that wrong created by Deloss, I would change my opinion of him. Letting that rivalry die was beyond dumb.
  13. I'm not convinced the SEC has the best team in the country. But I guarantee you that you can't name a 1-conference win team in the country than the Hogs.
  14. [Hidden Content] Two observations after reading this article: 1) the big Aggie-LSU game on Thanksgiving is between two teams tied for 8th (yes 8th) place in conference? 2) A&M should be rooting for Texas to beat TCU on that same day. A UT win would likely put them out of the Sec affiliated bowls.
  15. Arkansas beating lsu was not an upset. Arkansas was favored. A testament to Vegas believing Arkansas is better than their record and lsu not as good as theirs.
  16. Asu eliminated. Thanks for the heads up, Mack. I thought it was probably going to be bad, but loved the first one. Was debating whether I was going to see this one.
  17. Now, to be serious, that is a great question. I hate assistants getting fired in mid season but when you're Manny Diaz bad, sometimes it has to be done. (I don't know if anyone is Manny-bad, but Snyder is close.)
  18. Good thing you guys don't play in the Big 10. I mean, Indiana beat Mizzou so I don't know who you would beat in a real conference like that one.
  19. I don't disagree. Say what you want, all they've done is win.
  20. And another week, another fsu win. Maybe they can win every week playing like crap in the first half...
  21. I hear you. When they set it up though, I thought it was a td. The stuff on 3d spooked em I guess.
  22. Amazing how fsu can escape week after week. I'm with you. They won't score.
  23. Fsu takes the lead when 3 mins left. 30-26
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