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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. What do you think of that hire if it pans out, Mack?
  2. I know that would be a big day for LSU football. Enjoy another season with the Mad a__hatter!
  3. Need that Rice-Lamar-ULM-SMU lineup to ensure bowl eligibility. Makes sense.
  4. Here is a much better argument about the game [Hidden Content]
  5. Meh - she looks like one of those Aggie "beauties" to me ;). Seriously though, when I read the first sentence claiming A&M lost to "rival" Alabama, I started scanning. When I saw she made a Designing Women reference, I closed the article.
  6. Elijah's stock dropped this summer. He was a top 10 at one point. He definitely has a chance to be a beast in Aggieland. His AAU team was fun to watch with Mickey Mitchell and Austin Grandstaff (both Ohio St commits) playing with him. If the Ags get Malik Newman out of Mississippi, that would also be a huge get. I think they are in his top 3 and he is the #3 in that class. Kennedy is apparently adjusting well to recruiting life in the $EC ;)
  7. I think it will only get worse for MLB. In the fast pace age that we live, baseball is just too slow. I still enjoy watching it but I couldn't get my kid to watch a game unless I paid him.
  8. I've seen him play a few times. Very good feet for a big man. Like Cameron Ridley, he's going to need to shed a few pounds. No idea how Kennedy is doing it either. They are a dumpster fire on the court.
  9. Excellent post Tvc. And we may be wrong but I really believe what you hinted at regarding the motivation for having its own police force. Sadly, a lot of parents who are in an uproar about the current discussions regarding the BISD PD are losing sleep over nothing. From what I have seen, contracting off duty officers is not only the fiscally correct move, they will also increase the quality of protection for their children.
  10. I root for them both unless my cowboys are playing the texans. I hate to see this slide because I really do think Houston has the right coach and the right GM. Clowney was the right pick in this draft (actually a trade was the right move but who wanted that pick this year). They are just proof positive that you can't win in this league without a QB. And if you haven't noticed, it's not like there are 30 quality QBs in this world that can win in the league. They better hope Mallet turns out to be one of them.
  11. Ditto on all of that. Plus, barring any personal interest (one of my teams or a local kid playing), I generally root for the underdog. I enjoyed watching Brandon Belt in his time in Austin but I will be rooting for him to bat 1.000 and lose the series.
  12. Bingo. I am really hoping the play calling early had more to do with what swoopes was capable of at that point. I will say that I never wanted them to pull the rs and bring in Heard, primarily based on practice reports. I think we can be confident now that the coaches were right sticking with swoopes and hopefully he continues to get better weekly. I will say this - Saban recruited Swoopes very aggressively and Nick ain't wrong very often. And it's starting to look like Tyrone isn't the exception to the rule.
  13. Those are some great posts. Proof positive that as entertaining as that site can be to the rest of us, texags has always had some really good posters.
  14. Ah true. I was thinking more one of the top vote getter invites. You never know how many of those they are going to invite. Sometimes only 3 and I doubt he finishes that high in the voting. As Mack correctly pointed out, they obviously don't like to have double winners to begin with.
  15. I would jump him to 1 too with two more Super Bowls. I have him where he is now due to his perfomances in the "big" games. Brady has in my mind done more with less in the trophy and SB departments. That's why I have him higher. To me, the game is about winning and that's why Montana is 1 and I would probably barely have Marino in my top 10.
  16. Always a great topic. My list: 1) Montana 2) Elway 3) Brady 4) Unitas 5) Manning Qualifiers - I reluctantly put Johnny U on the list because I believe he was the best before the current era. Watching old footage, the talent level was not even close to today's game so it's tough to compare apples and oranges. If Peyton wins another one, I would move him to at least 3 and maybe 2.
  17. I agree. Johnny was better last year than Jameis this year. And his off the field stuff was minuscule compared to Winston's. And he finished FIFTH in the voting. It's not even guaranteed Jameis gets invited to NY.
  18. I agree completely. If the strong leadership is lacking from the coaching, you have to get it from the players. That is often tough when they are basically kids. Texas was fortunate to find a diamond in the rough with McCoy. With vince, he was struggling even in Austin until the coaches just let him go and he found his rhythm. With both, they were strong leaders and the players responded to them. When Colt left, that void was never filled. Obviously with the talent sumlin is accumulating, they should be in the hunt. But like Mack, he appears to mostly want the players to like him. Watch the locker room celebrations after the big wins (like So Car this year). Could you see Nick Saban in the middle of his guys dancing and chanting? But, if a kid like Kyler Murray comes in and is self motivated and as talented as we say he is, he might be able to carry that extremely talented bunch a long way. He could be the guy. And obviously Snyder has to go. There is no excuse for what you've guys have endured on his side of the ball. No matter how good the offense is, you can't win when the other team can move the ball with literally any play they call.
  19. I think I was generally complimentary of sumlin and the Ags to start the year. Shows what I know. But it is just as valid for us to point things out "wrong" with the Aggies as it is for you guys with the Horns (and there has been plenty to point out). The fact of the matter is that A&M DOES look very undisciplined on the field. Does that come from the lack of discipline off of it? Maybe. We speak from experience from the last several years of Mack's regime. The inmates were running the asylum and it very much showed on Saturdays.
  20. ^ Amen PM19. Our prayers are with your wife and your family Pats. And we enjoy you just as much as you enjoy the forums. Even the Aggies love you, though they would deny it!
  21. I would like to retract this statement. Baylor should be out even with one loss. Their non conference schedule was a joke. K st or tcu should get in if they win out but I don't think either will. The big 12 will likely be unrepresented in the playoffs.
  22. I will do you one better. After this game Saturday, and the upcoming auburn-Aggie game, we will be able to use "Aggie math" to determine that Texas is better than Aggie by using the Auburn-K St game and the point differentials in all 3 games. Make sense?
  23. At this point FSU will have to lose twice to not get in IMO. And as defending champion, rightfully so. The best football I have seen this year has been fsu and nd.
  24. Great observations. Mack is one of the all time great recruiters. He had two of the best QBs in Texas history (and arguably Cfb history) back to back. Then the implosion occurred for the reasons you outline above.
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