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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. PM is predictable if nothing else. Always obsessing about big brother....-always.
  2. Otherwise, I wouldn't have put Bama in the equation. Obviously, they are capable of winning every game with Saban at the helm, but they are at best the 3rd best sec team I've seen this year. I probably would have them lower than that on the eyeball rest.
  3. At least Fran has prettier coeds to look at now...
  4. PM is right about the Aggie OL. If there is a better one, I haven't seen it yet.
  5. He provided a hypothetical situation (teams are in a subsequent post) to which I was responding. Try and keep up Roper!
  6. The only thing that's obvious to me when he posts is that I need someone to translate that gibberish for me...
  7. Aside from your choice of colleges, you do have good taste Roper!
  8. Yet another example of why this kid is one of the best posters on this site! 😂😂😂😂😂
  9. Most would be winning the NC. An Aggie would have to be at least 85 yrs old or so to relate.
  10. Not ND. They would be #1 in both polls. And huge for the tv aspect. Fsu would be next in (with the worst schedule - but their only loss being to #1 ND in this scenario). Bama would get in obviously. Then it's between OU and Oregon. Tell me who they lost to and I would give you my opinion. Mich St is out having lost to Oregon and playing in the weak big 10. Team First - I think a kid has hacked your account...
  11. Hence the term "fiction." Keep up Bama bait.
  12. Had not read that. Thanks. (Btw, those 4 games were scheduled when Dodds was posturing to go indy. 4 year stints are very rare.)
  13. It is hard to imagine a scenario where ND ever goes undefeated and does not make the playoffs. They are Notre Dame.
  14. Holy crap! There are sheep in this thread????
  15. Great place. We are about to start a 4 year stint with them.
  16. Wow - contradict yourself much? Or does A&M no longer have conference rivals? Because 90 percent of your posts are bragging on your conference.
  17. Yes, because civil litigation is never frivolously filed. You just file you petition and that's it. Other than telling how much money you want. :rolleyes:
  18. That fg return against Bama last year has to rank right up there for you. What a play/ending to a great game!
  19. Oh, I thought you were implying that Aggie football this year would be more profitable. You would think with that team vs the lowly Texas team that it would be. Still, I'm dumb enough to put a sizable wager that Texas still comes out on top in gross revenue.
  20. Everyone always knew A&M was Texas's b*^ch. Just glad Mack is able to admit it publicly now. That shows real growth. Proud of you PM19.
  21. For a better, albeit more graphic explanation, please see Baba Ganoush's post on the previous page :D
  22. Very good points. However, my understanding is that their patience is the thinnest with the AD. They have liked the integrity and hard nosed attitude Charlie has brought. And I understand he has been open with the right guys after learning UT is a different world than anywhere he's been in terms of the players (not talking about the ones on the field). I think he will be given the 3 years WNCIP talks about. Hopefully the program will have advanced by then and we will not have had further attrition. Patterson, however, may not be so lucky. He is frantically trying to mend fences but a lot of those guys are old school. They don't forget and aren't as quick to forgive either.
  23. "Inspired leadership" is one way to put it. Deloss Dodds was great at making money...not so much at making friends ;)
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