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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. Agreed. FSU defense is for real btw.
  2. I would too after that last duck McGuire threw.
  3. Winston's such a retard. They have a gift wrapped spot in the playoff. All he has to do is not be an embecile. This is the toughest game on this schedule and Clemson is NOT good.
  4. Gonna come down to who doesn't screw up last?
  5. While I would rank A&M atop the SEC right now, I am not sold on their defense yet. They have looked iffy at times against some less than stellar opponents. They do appear to be getting better (tough to say against the last 3 patsies) though. Rush defense will get a test against Arky. Auburn will be the real test overall IMO.
  6. Sorry but I'm rooting for FSU. I want to see them in the playoff. With Winston, they are a top 4 team and fun to watch.
  7. I hear it's lovely this time of year. Plus you can use Camel bucks and Copenhagen lids as currency there so that's a plus.
  8. Speaking of blocking, is A&M the new Nebraska (of the 70s and 80s) with the OL? Looks like Jake Matthews should have been the #1 pick in the draft. I think that's who I would have picked. Nice to take a "can't miss" guy when you're picking in that spot.
  9. SECond to none!* *except for basketball schools that suck in football
  10. Bama at #3 is a joke. There are at least 10 teams I have seen that would beat them.
  11. They will get in over any other one team if it comes down to it and probably rightfully so, if they win their conference. Lose to Clemson today and that might not happen though.
  12. They won't get to be the wrecking crew this season (IMO anyway) but I see it in the future. But heck they don't have to be. They only need to be the "let's get a few timely stops" defense. That offense isn't going to require many shutouts. I don't care who they are playing.
  13. Took em a while to get going but when that train gets rolling.... They need to put the 12th man in at QB. Bet they still score ;)
  14. Thanks. I remembered reading something about it. That would be awesome if he did. I don't know the kid but have heard nothing but good things about him.
  15. Dang. A&M's enrollment is wayyy up. It WAS around 40k back when I was in school. UT was just she of 50k. I know UT has around 52k on campus now. Does the A&M figure only include the CS campus (if anyone knows)?
  16. He needs a half hour in a locked room with AP with a switch IMO. With immunity granted to Peterson ahead of time.
  17. Me too - 100%. Maybe I am seeing it wrong or am desensitized to language stuff but it seems to me the offense he got suspended for is being an immature a-hole. I am sure you and PM19 are correct on WHY it happened. But to me, I would rather see him suspended for 3 or 4 games for committing the crime of theft from a grocery store than a half, a quarter, or a series for this. (I use the theft as an example because I don't think any of us really knows what happened in the rape case. If he did that, he shouldn't be playing football anywhere IMO.)
  18. Kid is a beast. Didn't he win the NC as a freshman in the shot?
  19. Very true. Question is ratio. I would say 3-1 or 4-1 Aggie crowd.
  20. Not sure on him yet. But I can say we might have the best punter in the country. He gets a lot of in game reps though.
  21. Allegedly he originally wanted to come to Texas but Mack passed. We would take him but Strong has already put an intial 27 game suspension in place for him should he transfer.
  22. I am torn on this one. I don't have a big problem with the suspension but I COMPLETELY get what you're saying too.
  23. I definitely agree Coach Sumlin has them heading in the right direction. Vegas had their win total this year at 7.5 or 8 I believe. Who wants to wager they don't win 9 games now? A lot of football left to be played but if that defense grows up each week as they might with their youth, that is one scary football tam.
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