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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. Actually, last year their seasons were very similar. A&M squeaked out a bowl win against duke and Texas lost theirs to Oregon. Going into those games, their records were identical. A&M responded by giving their coach a 6 year extension (like they did with Frantastic and the Shermanator after less than ideal seasons). Texas "fired" theirs. Expectations I guess. Having said that, through 3 games this season, I would say Sumlin's extension looks well deserved.
  2. I wasn't on this board last football season so I wouldn't know. If you follow my posts, I do believe margin of victory is telling. In fact, I think to disregard it is ridiculous. That being said, if you do win them ALL, like auburn last year, then you've done your job. As for your reference about "except A&M," I've been very impressed and said so several times with this team. In fact, if I'm putting together the playoffs today, it would be OU (look slightly better than Baylor to me), Oregon, fsu, and A&M. And any of those four winning a playoff wouldn't surprise me one iota.
  3. They are significantly better this year. I think OU will beat them worse than Bama though, even on the road. I don't think wvu would play that closely with A&M either. But they are significantly better this year. As for an upgrade, that pat white/Steve slaton (and the Owen guy that was a big bruiser Rb) team was probably better than any of A&M's in the last 15 years or so, other than the '12 team. After they left, not so much. Rich Rod had it going there for a while.
  4. ^ Does anyone speak illiterate? I need a translation.
  5. Tee hee! Wva is a bottom feeder in the big 12. Almost took out the powerhouse of the sec. Let me translate for ya - if Ky or vandy took OU or Baylor to the wire, it would be similar. Hope that helps. Carry on now.
  6. A&M is the best team I have seen in the SEC this year. And I think it's safe to say after this game, the fsu-ok st game, and the Bama-west va game that the big 12 is better than you Sec'ers give them credit for. I am starting to believe Buddy G. I am thinking Oregon vs the Baylor/OU winner for all the marbles.
  7. Coming from a fan of "let's give him an extension" U 😂
  8. Heck it's the game of the year! Said 1984..
  9. Wow. I would have guessed wayyyy wrong there.
  10. I assume that game is OTB? I wonder what they will adjust the line to?
  11. Sounds like Jimbo stole a page from Sumlin's book. He missed the part about doing it in a Rice game and not against your toughest conference opponent. In other news, Marcus Mariotta officially thanks Winston from withdrawing from the Heisman race.
  12. Big Dez is a big loss. He and Brown at DTs were the strength of the team IMO. (Other than the punter who appears to be our best player lol.) I would have been shocked if ash tried another go. He's taking years off his life at this point. In other news, I heard Daje Johnson may be reinstated in time for conference play. I also hear don't count on seeing either of the OTs back.
  13. Reminds me of someone else we know. I agree. He should be falling down the draft board too.
  14. Problem is, no power school is going to agree to come and play at Lamar (or probably any FCS school for that matter). They might put you on the schedule for an easy win home game, but they ain't coming to your place. USA is a sun belt conference team I believe. In the mid majors, you have a shot at getting a home and home deal. Usually a home, home, and home though (with 2 at the power conf team's place).
  15. I'm still not sold on Arkansas. Tech hung with them for a while and they look to be one of the worst teams in the conference this year. If the Hogs make the A&M game competitive, I will give them their due. But I think the Ags look to be a 3 td or so fav against them.
  16. One other thing. The NFL needs to be careful about trying to pigeon hole certain actions into a CBA set punishment. That was a ridiculous endeavor to begin with. For instance, I have seen guys arrested and charged with DV for grabbing/bruising their significant other's arms. Let's say a couple is arguing and the woman is trying to leave (although the stories generally differ from whom you are speaking, let's use the woman's version). The man grabs her by the wrists/lower arms to prevent her from doing so. In so doing, she has finger prints on her wrists/forearms. He is arrested for domestic violence is causing "injury" to his mate. I am not saying this isn't a wrongdoing on the man's part, but does he deserve the same punishment as Rice who took a full swing at his fiancé, and knocked her out. Like in the law itself, some offenses have to be evaluated on a case by case basis. We have great ranges in punishments for a lot of offenses for that reason alone (some as great in this state as 5 to 99 years). The league puts itself in these positions for setting punishments before the crime IMO.
  17. I agree it's way too early but from what I've seen, A&M and Auburn are the best two teams in that division. Auburn's schedule is brutal and A&M has already beaten (and quite handily at that) one of their big tests (So Car). What is scary is wasn't this supposed to be a rebuilding year for the Ags?
  18. He is correct. To this point, they appear to be playing way better than Bama.
  19. Can I add that I think rick smith is an excellent gm? I thought O'Brien was a great hire and I have liked how he has managed this team with what he has been given and the moves he's made.
  20. I agree with that last paragraph especially. One of the few things I liked about Steinbrenner's early reign of the Yankees. And high school and college coaches do it all the time. Discipline can be taught in many forms and hopefully spills over into other parts of life. And a lot of these problems occur because the players are severely lacking in self-discipline.
  21. To answer your question, no jeopardy attaches when a grand jury "no bills" (elects not to indict) a defendant. So theoretically, as long as the statute of limitations has not run, a prosecutor can keep bringing a case before a grand jury as many times as he likes. Generally, they usually choose not to once there is a no bill.
  22. If so barely. I see 6 as their max wins. 4 or 5 more likely
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