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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. I thought the one Vince dismantled in '05 was.
  2. Aggy obsessed with stars now. Weren't you guys saying the star system was bogus the last 15 years when we basically were telling you which kids you could have?
  3. I think he was more impressed with the shellacking he took by USC in the MNC than either one of those teams. That was a beatdown.
  4. They are suspended indefinitely. What they are being required to do to be reinstated will take at least a month, or so I am told.
  5. I wonder if he's starting to feel forgiving toward our two OTs...
  6. On the upside, the DL played well. Barring injury, Malcolm Brown (the DT) will have a very nice career on Sundays. He's a beast. And I thought Swoopes was much better than advertised (granted his advertisement was "turd in a punch bowl"). However, if you ever doubted the importance of an OL, watch Texas play and then watch A&M play. Obviously, that's not the only area to account for the difference in performances but it's a pretty big start. And by big I mean ginormous.
  7. How could you be? They beat utep by 4 after beating cent Arkansas by 7 in week 1. I've rethought my post above though. Tech opened up at -1 and spiked to -3 and are now -2. Generally, the early money is by the "sharps." How the hell is tech favored? I will say this, pigeon play alert. Back in my sports betting days, I would have laid the lumber on Arkansas. And I don't bet anymore for a reason - I rarely won!
  8. I think AAW's post was a little tongue in cheek. It is pretty funny that June made his decision this week though. I have not seen them play but have been told they couldn't beat many teams in the state of Texas.
  9. Exactly right. Would you expect anyone on the committee who isn't college educated? Everyone will have some tie to some school. Problem is, there are 5 major conferences now. Someone will be left out regardless. Then you have the two indies. Notre dame goes undefeated, they will be in. Always. Byu will likely go undefeated this year and be left out. (That cupcake they beat Saturday is actually probably one of their toughest opponents. I know, hard to believe, but look at their ridiculous schedule.) In the end, GCMPats has been correct in his contention. The 4 that make it will be conference champions. The big 10 will be left out. Whoever wins the acc, big 12, PAC 12 and sec will all be in. It won't always work out that way but they will make sure it does this year. (Barring one of those conferences having a 2 loss champion.)
  10. ^ That is a great question. We were talking about that yesterday after seeing the new video. I don't know if it's money or not. Some women stay in those situations when the guy can't rub two nickels together. Self esteem issues I guess. Sad.
  11. As painful as Saturday was, I still thought this was pretty clever/funny: [Hidden Content]
  12. This issue has had me thinking. I stayed to the bitter, and I do mean BITTER, end. Everyone with me was ready to leave once the game got out of hand but I insisted we stay. "ALWAYS stay until after 'The Eyes of Texas' at the end!" But I got to thinking. Why should any of us feel obligated to stay? No matter how hard we cheered, byu kept driving in the 2h. The offense remained futile. It was simply awful. I pay $100 a piece for 4 tickets for the games. A ridiculous amount I don't care to disclose for the "privilege" to buy those lower level, side-field tickets. And I spend 3.5 hours of my life watching a game that is turning my stomach. I love my alma mater. I always have, always will. They will stink it up the rest of the season and I will spend my hard earned money buying the tickets again next year. I have had some Unbelieveable times with my family and friends at Longhorn games. Seeing Vince hoist the trophy in Pasadena was bliss. But am I responsible to stay watching a game that is truly painful for me? Life is short. Would I have been happier back at the hotel after the game enjoying a cocktail? Hell yes. I'm not sure what I will do next time. I am certainly contemplating changing my position on the matter. At some point, the coaches/players need to put an effort on the field that is worthy of the fans' emotional investment.
  13. Take it from me...it could be worse! ;)
  14. This. I find it nearly possible to believe the NFL did not have this video. A multi-billion dollar business with all the resources in the world couldn't get their hands on the video but tmz could?!! Goodell is either lying (almost a cerainty) or is GROSSLY incompetent. Either way, he has to go. As you could tell when I started this thread, I was already not a fan but this seals the deal. On a side note, good for Baltimore to send him packing. But someone will pick him up...probably over the offseason. I pray it's not Jerrah.
  15. Someone told me that Tech opened up as a slight favorite?? If true, place your bets....
  16. You wanna go to the Baylor game? I really don't know if I can stomach that beatdown!
  17. It was painful. I stayed to the end though. Hard as it was. I felt a little violated. The only bonus is that Mormons aren't supposed to drink. Hopefully won't be many on 6th St. I will be avoiding the tabernacle in the morning...
  18. We appear to be assisting the Mormons in breaking the John Heisman coached team's record for points in a quarter. It was like 212-0 that game so surely we have a little cushion yet.
  19. Decimated OL is a killer. D playing their tails off. Jordan Hicks is a beast.
  20. Defense is greatly improved. Swoopes looks better than expected. Crowd is loud. Hook em!
  21. Kevin Sumlin - "consistently getting less with more..." 😂
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