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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. Not only does half of the content the Bleacher Report puts out appear to be compiled by 12 year olds, it is annoying as hell to navigate.
  2. Very impressive. I will say one thing for him and his teammates...they play hard. Future may be brighter than some think for the Stros.
  3. He would have been better off had he not said anything. He would have been less of a distraction and greatly increased the number of teams who might have been interested. He didn't do it for his own gain. I think he did it to pave the way for the future players to be open about who they are. He put his beliefs over his own personal gain. You may not agree with him, but there is something admirable in his sacrifice. And I have no idea what it is like for guys like Sam, as a heterosexual. But supposedly living in secret is not something they enjoy. As for his play, I will bet he plays in a game this year for Dallas. He can play and can fill a great need they have.
  4. I can confirm that the players believed (I don't exactly what was told to them) at the conclusion of the practice yesterday that these two were off the team.  The release to the press last night was "suspended for BYU game."  Not sure if it was a change of heart (or mind) on Strong's part or if there was a miscommunication. 
  5. Man, I hope it is only one game. I heard they were kicked off.
  6. Actually dismissed from the team. On an already razor thin OL. UT was still -1 when I looked earlier today. Good luck finding it on the board anywhere now.
  7. Confirmed with one of the players. They gone bro.
  8. Wait until Saturday. I will be there early, drinking heavily...
  9. Especially because I thought Washington runs a 3-4? The knock on the kid is he can't play the olb in a 3-4 and is better suited at the end in a 4-3.
  10. Sam will see action this year. The kid can actually play and the cowboys desperately need pass rushers.
  11. Skins, saw they did sign Jackson Jeffcoat to the practice squad.
  12. Great story. I will bet the reporter had the same blank look on his face that Mike Wallace did in the video above. I believe race will become a non-issue eventually (and hopefully). Remember the fuss 20-30 years ago when a black man played QB in the NFL? Now it is not even a talking point.
  13. Except for the #1 ranked team and the #2 ranked team?
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