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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. Silly aggy. Shouldn't you still be celebrating a conference road win instead of obsessing on big brother?
  2. Do you think he remembers 77-0? 😂
  3. I have no idea how anyone could doubt them. They also gave early extensions to Frantastic and the Shermanator. Obviously those worked out well.
  4.   I am talking about a team that finished tied for 7th in conference with A&M LAST YEAR.  I do agree with you that the Georgia game will be interesting.  LSU is playing a Big 10 team so not sure how far that will go.  Unless they lose, of course.
  5.   "Aggies win a conference road game and hang a banner at Kyle."  I understand, AAW.  Every little victory seems like you've won the war after swimming in mediocrity for so many years.... :D  
  6. After last night, the one thing we learned...   #overrated   Anxious to see what Clemson does with Georgia.  And LSU better handle that lowly Big 10 team.
  7.   We turning this one into a UT thread too?
  8. 2013 Chick-Fil-A Bowl   A&M 52 Duke 48   David Cutcliffe doesn't really talk much about that game.
  9. If I'm him, makes me want to go there even more. With his talent and that system, look out. Even if Hill stayed 4 years, he could RS and start as a sophomore. Plus you never know about injuries, etc. Plus, if Hill continues to play near the level he did tonight (and you gotta think he should only get better), Allen will be a goner.
  10. I agree. Great start but still has to play some great defenses. Poised is a great description - he had it in spades tonight. The other kid who is a freshman may leave. I wouldn't worry so much if I were Murray. Going to have competition wherever you go. Nothing wrong with redshirting or learning for a season or two.
  11. Well said OT. (And keep posting - you're one of the better ones on this board.)
  12. Oh Idk tiger - we sent you boys a middle of the pack big 12 team and they laid the wood to one of your supposedly better teams tonight. And then there's OU, a team we beat last year but took the class of your conference, Bama, to the woodshed....
  13. Trouble with the readin' Ropes? Do I need to quote my posts DURING the game?
  14. Screen pass/slant/screen pass/slant. Everyone knows what's coming and they can't stop it. That's when you know you have something good.
  15. Very impressed with Hill. Begs the question how much of John John was the system? Regardless, kid has a ton of poise for his age making his first start.
  16. It should be. They paid good money to Bass Pro Shops to do the architectural design... [Hidden Content]
  17. I like you OT but the point flew over your head. I don't mind people using tu, whorn, or whatever else. It's all in good fun. My point was someone ridiculing the OP in this thread as "grade school," while using "tu" in the same sentence.
  18.   Ah yes, tu.  That phrase that is so silly and sophomoric that only Aggies use it.  Even those land thieves up north think it is a stupid and juvenile term.  Of course, like all things aggy, it is based on their inferiority complex to The University of Texas.  Poor Agricultural and Mechanical...  
  19.   GCM, you will have to excuse AAW.  He loses any sense of humor he might have when a post involves anything he considers derogatory to a school he supports.  :rolleyes:
  20.   I don't need tickets to any of the game.  Have had my seats for many years.  Hook 'em.
  21. I agree to an extent. But Hundley is pretty damn good.
  22. Coach Strong will get a grace period but he has to be extremely successful to keep his job at a school used to winning with endless amounts of $. Part of that may have to be turning the recruiting tide. Let's face it - he has a product that sells itself. For these athletes, he has a built in advantage over every school in this state, including aggy, for numerous reasons. If he can't sell it, he better find some assistants who can.
  23. All joking aside (and you know I like to bust aggy b***s), this could easily turn into a nightmare season for us. An above average QB with a glass jaw...NO viable backup... The defense should be much improved but you can't win without some kind of threat at signal caller. Strong has his work cut out for him.
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