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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. I guess this as good a place as any, I thought of @no-look and Stevenash yesterday. My oldest son got back from visiting family in Dallas and informed me had gotten ticket in Huntington, going 10 miles over the speed limit. He got a very unexpected reaction out of me when I started laughing and told him the “gestapo” had gotten him. I miss our old pal.
  2. POTD! 😂🤣 And D = Decade by the way.
  3. Also sounded to me like Jimbo has quite a lot of dirt on St Nick too. Sounded like he would be wise to keep those apologies coming.
  4. Jimbo IS right and Saban did come off as a whiny little b_____. I saw Bryce Anderson’s dad talk about it on Facebook as being the perfect storm with LSU firing Coach O, Riley leaving Ou, and Texas having a dismal first year under Sark. He’s not wrong. But A&M also was better organized and ahead of the curve with the NIL stuff. Don’t hate the player, Nick, hate the game. And the same money that has made you fat and sassy all these years is finally getting spread among the players. You whining about it is a bad look with future recruits.
  5. Someone taught Jumbo the word “despicable” today. Fella got his miles out of it….
  6. A senior citizen drove his brand new Corvette convertible out of the dealership. Taking off down the road, he floored it to 80 mph, enjoying the wind blowing through what little gray hair he had left. Amazing, he thought as he flew down I-94, pushing the pedal even more. Looking in his rear view mirror, he saw a state trooper behind him, lights flashing and siren blaring. He floored it to 100 mph, then 110, then 120. Suddenly he thought, What am I doing? I'm too old for this, and pulled over to await the trooper's arrival. Pulling in behind him, the trooper walked up to the Corvette, looked at his watch, and said, "Sir, my shift ends in 30 minutes. Today is Friday. If you can give me a reason for speeding that I've never heard before, I'll let you go." The old gentleman paused. Then he said, "Years ago, my wife ran off with a state trooper. I thought you were bringing her back." "Have a good day, sir," replied the trooper.
  7. I saw that. Whatever happened to, “this is funny, I don’t care who you are”? In a time where we really need to laugh more often, it seems humor is more restricted than ever. I saw someone posted a “snopes investigation” on it and wondered, who was dim enough to waste snopes’ time over an obvious joke? But not on this thread baby!
  8. BREAKING NEWS: Kentucky Derby winner Rich Strike’s owner Richard Dawson turns down a meeting at the White House with Joe Biden. When asked why, Mr. Dawson replied, “If my horse wanted to see a horse’s ass, he would've finished second.”
  9. Obsession is a powerful thing. But at least those gomers will vote the way they are told, even if it means bringing big brother into the party to which they were so proud of having the exclusive invite (and swearing they were told it would NEVER happen).
  10. The nation’s best grassroots teams have all D1 players, many of which are high major kids. We have one this year (Arceneaux) and one next year (Yates). Maybe others I am not thinking of, but not many. That should answer your question.
  11. Thirdkill can play and will be the 4th 3 star (I believe) on Lamar’s roster (along with Adams, Reyes and Catt). And I can tell you that Anderson and the PG Pryor will be immediate big impact guys.
  12. Based on talent maybe but not based on production. The only other player in that district who deserved serious consideration is Ben Elliott. I might have even had him on the second team above a couple of those guys.
  13. Agreed. I was speaking of the first team having 4 no brainers. The 5th was well deserved, but I wouldn’t have had an issue with Porchia, Ardoin or Sells being the 5th first teamer either.
  14. Their picks at a minimum are usually highly justified. And I usually can just about predict the team (in Basketball anyway), before I see it. This year, 4 of the kids were absolute no brainers. The fifth could have been a few different kids but no issue at all with who they went with and the others were on the second team.
  15. By the way, for all who are anti-"everyone gets a ribbon" (i.e., the all district teams now), this is the team for you. It has been, and continues to be, the elite list to make in Southeast Texas. 5 on first team, 5 on second team. And way more often than not, Matt Faye and crew nail it.
  16. Second team: G: Zac Sells, KountzeG: Jailan Ardoin, HFG: Aron Akhtar, Legacy ChristianF: Trip Parker, NederlandF: Trealyn Porchia, United
  17. You must be more of a baseball guy. NM St should have probably been a 7-8 seed based on their talent. Grand Canyon sells out every game and is one of the best atmospheres in CBB. Seattle is also an up and comer. It’s levels and it’s definitely on a different level. Ask Kyle Keller or Jason Hooten or just about anyone who does it for a living. But maybe Lamar belongs on a lower level.
  18. Absolutely. Savion Flagg never goes to Sam if they hadn’t moved to the WAC. Same could be said for several kids I can name but won’t. Got the same report from SFA about a couple of their transfers/signees. Right or wrong, many kids, especially Texas kids, aren’t interested in the Southland unless forced. (This is basketball only that I can speak to). To put it in relative terms, the Southland champ will almost always be a 16 seed. The WAC will be in the 12-13 range. That’s about right in difference of levels. And you get seen in many states, not just Texas and Louisiana.
  19. Of course not. The WAC is just a much stronger conference obviously. And also means more $. And SFA did well in their first year there. I honestly don’t know if this is the best course for Lamar. It would have been very tough to sign the last class in the Southland. And I hope the ones who have committed in this year’s class don’t bail.
  20. Apparently, this is heavily football related. Schools were told a move to FBS was forthcoming and that is no longer the case supposedly.
  21. “If at first you don’t succeed, quit and run home.” I think that’s how the saying goes…
  22. I couldn't remember the scores but knew it went 3 games and they were all good, close games and enjoyed them all. I also remember the 3rd one being low scoring and hoping whoever won would go on to win it all (even though i was pulling for the cardinals).
  23. The 2007 (?) team that was Johnny Dishon's senior year was a really, really good one. I believe they lost to Jasper in the regional finals, who I believe went on to win state. The battle with between those two at Vincent Beck was epic.
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