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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. He didn't say "ranked" teams, silly. He said "rank teams." So we can assume the sec teams are foul smelling, the aggie's grammar skills are lacking, or both.
  2. I thought the PAC 12 was last year as well...
  3. Poor aggy. Still looking for even a division title in this century....
  4. Seriously? We haven't even gotten into the "Baa means no" schtick yet....
  5. Ummm, not so much. I still don't have any idea which school's dude cheerleaders you have been examining so closely and intently. What school has cheerleaders in cowboy hats? I really have no idea. Then again, you Aggies do love dudes cheering. So try again little buddy. And please let us know which school you are speaking of.
  6. So you are checking out the dude cheerleaders' outfits when they have hot chicks in short skirts beside them? I couldn't tell you what they wear and I've had season tickets for 16 years. No wonder you aggies only have guy cheerleaders...
  7. I will say that I hope you are right. I didn't mean to imply there were legions of KKK types on this board ready to purge the world of color. I was trying to say I think there are plenty of people who are probably unconcerned with black on black violence. (And I probably did a poor job of explaining that.). But even on that issue if you did get my meaning, I hope you are right and I am wrong.
  8. It's an issue that has been made an issue since the shooting in Ferguson. I didn't make it an issue. And I was saying that there are problems that need to be addressed that are much more relevant. Not sure how you took a few words and ran off on a tangent that had nothing to do with my post you quoted. As for the second part, again you are latching onto a word or two. Reread the post I was responding to. His comment was about killings within certain communities. Maybe his point is a little strong but in reading plenty of comments on these forums, I am comfortable in my belief that many on here are at least "unconcerned" with that issue.
  9. Oh, I don't know. You don't believe kids think those guys "squeezing" themselves is cool??
  10. Yes. It is hard to win conference championships in the SEC. You can't expect them to win conference championships like they did consistently in that cupcake of a conference 5$3 Big 12. Errr or like they did that one time in 1998.
  11. Read the first word of the highlighted portion of the text - I think you missed the point of my post. Not sure how my believing there are plenty of racists here is a problem I have that no one can fix. But ooookayyyy
  12. Aggy is a champion at chick ball, running, and "meat judging." Give them their props please.
  13. It is, and always has been, their "strong suit."
  14. Did I really get a post deleted? I wonder if whoever did it was aware that there really is such a thing as "animal husbandry" and it is actually taught at A&M.
  15. Ok, I will bite. Politically incorrect? That is an ignorant and racist statement from someone claiming to be "enlightened." Given the events of the past couple of weeks, it also insensitive. Like all of us, these are God's children worthy of His (and our) love. But I do agree with your claim that many on this board probably do agree with you. However, it does raise an issue in my mind. Bigger than the instances where young African Americans are killed by white men in authority, are the countless that do die at the hands of each other. Black on black murder happens across this country daily. It is epidemic. And in my opinion, it deserves as much, if not more attention as incidents such as Ferguson. Until we get a handle on that, the places where such violence occurs regularly will continue to be hopeless centers of existence. And few things are sadder in this life than a child growing up without hope. It becomes (and has become) a vicious cycle.
  16. I think he should have finished reading "The Pet Goat."
  17. I don't think Mack or Mark Richt are cursers on the sidelines. I could be wrong - and they might slip once in a blue moon - but I don't think they do use foul language in general. Their connection? Bobby Bowden products. Another guy that coached without the 4 letter word. But overall agree with you. Almost all of them, even in college, and liberal with their use of the f bomb.
  18. History lesson - guess who else got huge raises and extensions after less than stellar seasons and very early in their tenures? (Franchione and Sherman.) Smh - some folks never learn...
  19. I hope I don't hate anyone or anything. But if I do, it is the Sooners. OU is like the meth heads on the other side of town that have no respect for anything and come and loot your house while you are at work. Aggy is like your little cousin who is a little slow, but ultimately harmless. You just have to keep a close eye on him around your pets. (And it's way more fun to busy aggy chops. Pats will agree with that.)
  20. 100% agree with you here OT. Long term, big picture - would be best for him and the Browns. Fortunately for him, he has a HC who has seen the perils of going with a rookie QB. If he can stick to his guns, I think it could be the best thing for him and the team. For the reasons you mentioned.
  21. And you wonder how they build those casinos. Talk about dead money.
  22. Great point. Similar to Manny Diaz's hugely successful one year as DC at Miss St. Then we took that turd off their hands...
  23. No no. I am willing to wager a hefty sum based on sources not affiliated with either school. I know you won't be because it would be a dumb bet for you. You can just admit that.
  24. ^ Great list from a credible site (although they got #1 right). Care to make a bet over which one of us can produce the most "lists" with our school ranked higher in the female dept??
  25. I hope you are right Usedtobe (about him growing up). I really do. I think he could be a steal at #22 if he does. The league needs him - manning, Brady, Brees and co. will be gone before we know it. He's a bonafide superstar if he gets his head right. And I think we all can agree he is fun to watch. I too worry a little about his style of play but he does seem to avoid big hits. He gets down or get out of bounds a lot better than say, RG3. That guy may never make a full season.
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