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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. That one year window 😂😂 You know what their history is when they throw parades and hang banners for top 5 finishes. Mack would have had Kyle Field renamed for him had he been at A&M with the same results he had at Texas.
  2. For the record, Texas Tech has the best looking co eds in the state. Percentage wise, they win hands down.
  3. Unfortunately, I have. Still a dump. And AAW, I was speaking of co eds. After a walk around Aggieland, it's understandable why that little pooch is so damn popular.
  4. 1). Michigan State 2.) Ohio state 3.) Austin Lake Travis 4.) Allen HS 5.) Katy HS
  5. Even Aggies don't like dating those fugly chicks in CS. That's why they drive to Austin every weekend.
  6. More recent times such as the 2012 season but skip the 2013 season? Weren't you the one that told me the '05 NC and the '09 runner up* seasons were ancient history? I mean, it's not like I went back to 1939!
  7.   We do.  The ability to read also helps us to know the correct usages of "there," "their," and "they're." 
  8.   What the heck?  Were you stillborn in 1999?  And your ghost, like those little collies buried outside that dump, continues to haunt us??
  9. Was it Arbitrary you stopped at 2010? What would have happened if you used the last 5 years and threw in 2009? Ohhh, I see now! It would be like me talking about the last 75 years of aggy football and intentionally stopping at 75 so as not to include that banner year of 1939! Silly aggy!
  10. They are better because they play in the SEC and don't have to actually play us anymore.  BUT, BUT they really want to play us.  :rolleyes: (So they can get beat down by whoever we trot out there, including Case McCoy, about 3 out of every 4 years.)    Yawn.  They are becoming boring again.
  11.   I asked votes where.  He has no chance nationally.  None.  Zero.  Don't believe me?  Watch if he runs how poorly he shows.  He has been popular in Texas for a long time.  I understand he does well in Texas.  A cheese sandwich running as a Republican in Texas would do well.  And I stated this might play well for him in the State.  My point, which I guess was missed, is that this will do little, if anything, for any bid he might have planned for the Presidency.  I would bet heavily, very heavily, on that premise.  
  12.   Voters where?  Maybe for the US Senate?  He has no chance (ZERO) for the presidency and he was all but dead in Texas.  Maybe it will revive his career here.
  13.   Great place to watch a football game.  In my experience, best (and classiest) fans in college football, with Michigan being a close second.
  14.   I will field that question -   "But, but we play in the mighty SEC!!  At least here it gives us an excuse to be mediocre!"
  15. I really wouldn't want to see the Governor in jail. He might "enjoy" it too much.
  16. Me too. And you are exactly right. I really don't see him making the season. Hope I'm wrong but odds aren't good. And reports aren't good on Swoopes or Heard unfortunately. Swoopes in general and Heard needs a season to learn.
  17. Reports are good on his progress. However, the reports on Malcolm Brown are that he is bigger, stronger, and faster than he's ever been. He needs Ash to stay healthy to have a legitimate pass threat but I hear he is poised to have a heckuva season. (And he was also the #1 back in the country coming out of HS.)
  18. His rope would be much longer if he were a wideout (see Dez). But again, you can't be the biggest douche on the team if you're the QB. His fuse has been lit...
  19. That was awesome. Completely agree that's what sports should be about. Here is a link for any who missed it. [Hidden Content]
  20. Hope this helps.. [Hidden Content] To be fair, it was a half dozen threads down the page... Smh
  21. People love a good train wreck. As I've said before many times, he would be great for the league. As I've also said, he needs to grow up fast to keep from being a cautionary tale. He has been coddled his whole life, been allowed to do what he wants because of his talent. How many times have you Aggies made excuses for him? He's a kid. He's having fun. What 21 year old wouldn't act like that? (I would submit Andrew Luck lived a privileged life and is in the weight room or the film room while John John is out doing lines with the Biebs.) Don't get me wrong - it's not uncommon for this to happen among the supremely talented. But a lot grow up and mature and become men. Some don't. And in some sports, in some positions, you can even get away with it for a long time. But not a quarterback in football, not in this league. You can't be an embecile and last as a signal caller in the NFL. Chin up Ags. We watched a kid refuse to lose leading our school in Austin. He was, and is, the greatest QB we'd seen; taking down team after team with his own on his shoulders. And ultimately, he was too lacking between the ears to continue his heroics in the League. Not often do I disagree with Buddy G on this site; but here I do. Like VY, Little Johnny is on the fast track to becoming a cautionary tale. And unlike the aforementioned Mr. Luck, the Manning brothers, and other "privileged" kids who came before him, I think he lacks the character to avoid it.
  22. 9 or 10 minimum. Maybe 11. With their talent in that league, MSU may be their only loss.
  23. Just watched it for the first time. Wow.
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