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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1.   I have no doubt that your understanding of Quantum Physics probably rivals your understanding of politics in general.
  2. By his logic, the Democratic Republic of North Korea is a democracy!  Poor smitty....
  3. I am still intrigued by the fact that smitty apparently is unable to distinguish between communism and socialism.  Say it ain't so, Joe!
  4. And, for the record, I support the SCOTUS's decision in the Hobby Lobby case.  I have read every word of it and think they made the right decision on the right grounds.  I have a lot more respect for Justice Ginsburg than I do Justice Alito, but he got it right in this case, and while I admire the spirit of her dissent, she was on the wrong side of this one.
  5.   I have seen multiple times on this board where people claim there is no such thing as a moderate.  To be fair, I do not think you have ever said that.  I consider myself moderate, although I am quite certain some here would say I am a bleeding heart liberal.  I am pro-life, vehemently against the death penalty, and believe we need welfare reform again (although I would definitely not be in the camp that would eliminate it altogether).  I am for sliding scale tax bracket and have no problem being on the upper end of that scale.  I am very much an advocate for social equality, whether it be for different races or sexual orientations.  And I am honest enough to admit that I would be closer to the liberal side of things, than the conservative.  I have been told on this board that some of the things I believe in prevent me from being a Christian.  I actually feel pity and empathy for those who believe that.  I am definitely a person of faith, and that defines my views on many political subjects.  I believe in the separation of church and state; however, I do believe one's faith defines their values system and cannot be extricated from their political leanings.  If there is a way to do it, I am not smart enough to have figured it out anyway.
  6.   Since you discount anything a "liberal" says, please refer to Stevenash's response.  It will put you on the right track ;)
  7. The University of Texas is my alma mater.  I bleed burnt orange.  I am a season ticket holder and have been for over a decade.  We were unquestionably, undisputedly, the best program in the State 4 years ago.  We are not now.  Will we be again?  Of course.  But how soon is the question.  I am afraid when I go to the Baylor game in Austin in a few months, they will show us once again that they, as of NOW, have the superior program.
  8.   I agree with you in principle.  However, IMO Baylor is both right now.  There is no reason they should be, and it is Charlie Strong's charge to change that.
  9. I would love to argue with the title of this thread...but ultimately I can't.  Art Briles has simply done the unthinkable and made Baylor the best TEAM in the state.  I think they will be again this year, so it's hard to argue that the best team in consecutive years is not also the best program, especially as we speak.  And success tends to breed success.  I heard many times that Baylor would never enjoy the success they had under Grant Teaff.  This is still true but I don't think the people making those comments thought they would ever have a coach who surpassed him.  It truly is remarkable.
  10.   Fair enough.  And I can appreciate your point in compassion without limits and would agree with that point, in general.
  11.   By his subsequent response, the answer to your question is a resounding NO :lol:  Poor smitty....
  12.   Why would you say that when she graduated from Texas A&M (I will forgive her for that ;) ) and is a nurse (certainly a most noble profession).  Because she has compassion for others, she has no appreciation for those who, like her, support themselves?
  13.   Dan Rather was a bit more editorial than most would like but I enjoyed his career.  I also don't mind O'Reilly.  I disagree with a lot of what he says but he is entertaining.  And I also agree with him at times.  I would also agree with the last 4 sentences of your post.  As to why Fox has a such a large viewership, I am sure you already know the answer to that.  They are the only game in town, so to speak, for what they do. 
  14. Of course, it is all within the rules.  And of course there is no limit.  That is why I am encouraging him!
  15.   Don't listen to that mess, Smitty.  You have at least 15 threads to start before sundown!  I am sure Stevie will even give you several "courtesy" replies!
  16. Oh, to answer your questions, of course I was joking about blocking Fox News.  They wouldn't watch it anyone and probably won't when they find it interesting.  But then again, they might.  I encourage them to think for themselves.  As for my channel of preference, I watch several but if I had to pick one, it would be CNN. 
  17. See, therein lies the problem.  A lot of folks believe that all networks except Fox are biased and liberal based.  There are plenty of conservative viewpoints, they just also offer ones you can't stand to hear.  I understand that and it is your right to use your remote as you see fit.  But to think everything that is not ultra conservative is inherently "liberal" is incorrect in MY opinion.  To each his own, I guess.
  18. ^ That profile pic is awesome :lol:
  19. I don't know why you are wasting time with me though.  You have websites to pour over so you can start another 10-15 threads today over our President.  Not to mention "TTT"ing the ones that are so lame no one responds.  Now get with it...QUICKLY!!!!
  20.   Busted?  LOL!!!  That is funny. Because it was you who was either clearly oblivious of the point to which you responded, or blatantly ignored it.    I was just letting you know what that sound is buzzing over the top of your head.  As for facts tend to bore me, I don't know who stated that but it was probably you, or your alter ego Bubba.  Either way, I would advise not to listen too closely.  It is the voice of an obsessed, and possibly senile, fool.
  21. As usual, the point being made flies over your head before you even see it. At least you are consistent ;)
  22. So the Reagan years the GOPers love to tout were due to the Democratic congress? Ok, got it 😀
  23. I have a new nominee for dumbest thing I have read on this board...
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