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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. What is hilarious is that you talk about childish banter but continue to make posts replete with it. You talked about my logical skills (not analytical) and I offered to post (if you likewise would) a five figure sum with a mod on this site and we could take the ultimate test in logic (the LSAT). Unsurprisingly, you weren’t interested in backing up your bloviating. It’s all quite dumb - you vs the frequently banned poster on this site is a more fair (and equally juvenile). Maybe he will come back in another version to play with you. In the meantime, many of us will continue to chuckle at your self-aggrandizing posts. And I hope you continue to impress yourself as you beg for attention. Much like my children did. As stated, some people play parts on the internet. Others get paid large sums of money to do it in real life. So you do you. You are at least the greatest in one person’s mind on this board. Edit: For those of you joining in this amusement (as we have discussed in the past), compare the quoted post herein (the original), with the current. He actually edited to add MORE bathroom humor insults (literally). It is becoming more sad than funny. As for your allegations of backtracking, we have had this discussion before. Man made global warming as opposed to CLIMATE CHANGE (as I have stated previously) is absolutely debatable. To put it in my vocational terms, in my opinion, it has not and cannot be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. But I certainly could make a preponderance argument. Now resume your insults while calling others juvenile. You really can’t make this up.
  2. Yeah, if only there was some National metric with which to judge the program 😂🤣😂🤣
  3. 😂🤣 I’ve never met someone so enamored with their own ability to debate as the great Englebert, even those who were actually worthy of such self-worship. Contrary to what you might think (and much of this quoted post is unbelievably juvenile and indeed embarrassing - for the one posting it), I doubt many are “quivering” or “peeing their pants” at someone who uses big words and hurls insults. Instead, it is your own insecurity that causes you to be so insulted when someone posts a leading Republican Senator’s statement about climate change. We’ve gone down this rabbit hole before. I tend to go along with people who are trained in the area being discussed, not amateur internet heroes (in their own minds) who overvalue their own opinions. In that regard, however, my opinion is no better than yours. I, like you, am not a scientist. As discussed ad nauseum, I do believe in climate change and that the earth has gotten warmer. I also agree that man made global warming hasn’t been definitively proven. But I did see this and you got a response you obviously so desperately craved. So good on you. I don’t intend on reposting lengthy dissertations with supporting links that you have criticized in the past (albeit admitting you didn’t read them). We can agree to disagree (and agree on other points). And that’s okay. But you can post two or three times (sometimes replying to yourself) if that makes you feel better. In general, arguing on message boards at night doesn’t appeal to me - particularly when my day job involves being paid to argue for others.
  4. And there’s a team a little closer to home than Vandy who is #2 😉
  5. Met him and his family over the weekend. Nice folks. We even discussed ol’ no-look 😉
  6. You hit the nail on the head. Nothing was better than 80s basketball. I still watch college but can’t remember the last nba game I watched start to finish on tv. I will go occasionally with one of my sons but even live it’s not what it was.
  7. All 3 are among the best ever. I suspect we can all agree that they don’t make them like the used to anymore. Which is why our playlists are full of those guys. Or maybe we are just getting old.
  8. Not sure if anyone has been following, but we had a rare occurrence this week. Two district foes met in the finals for a state championship. After finishing first and second at the district tournament AND AGAIN at the regional tournament, Sabine Pass’s Travis Mistry and Deweyville’s James Menard met in the final match at the 2A State Tournament. As was the case the previous two times, Mistry again came out on top. But what an incredible accomplishment for both young men - congrats! [Hidden Content]
  9. 😂😄 Reminds me of the story of the kid who comes home from school with a failed Math exam in his bag. As his mom begins to chastise him for failing the test, he tells her that 70 percent of the class also failed the exam. To which she responds while holding up his returned test, “now you want me to believe you know how to calculate percentages??”
  10. Welcome to 1990 Senator. We look forward to your next confirmations that gravity is real and the Earth is round...
  11. Agreed. Go play in another band if you don’t like it. One of the worst visuals I’ve seen was Sam standing by himself after a game last year with his horns up during the Eyes. I was officially done with Herman as of that moment.
  12. True. As often as not, Kasen was the Cards’ best player last year. As a freshman. As you well know, PG is as important as QB in football. So definitely agree Kasen coming back was as big as it gets.
  13. I would list Kasen and Jordyn as 1 and 1A. Both were huge for the program.
  14. My dad was a Baptist minister as well. Had a similar attitude towards Baylor. As for the original post, that was from last fall and I think (hopefully) we are past that nonsense now.
  15. South Plains was ranked #1 in the country for most of the year. They had 4 kids - 6-10 or better. Only the starter and Catt played regularly, and the coach often played no bigs (had about 5 or 6 wings 6-6 or 6-7). As a result, his minutes were limited. There was a clip toward the end of the season where he was averaging a block every couple minutes of playing time. He had a couple of American Athletic Conference offers, kid is supremely talented and athletic, especially for 6-10. Having said that, he is definitely still raw offensively. Defensively, he is elite at any level collegiately. Can legit guard 3 positions and is a nosebleed elite shot blocker.
  16. Hit me up any time you are going.
  17. I don’t think schedule is out yet
  18. I didn’t miss too many games last year. This year i think I might have even more of a reason to be there 😉
  19. And one of the things I’ve contemplated is the decline of our society as exemplified though a couple of QBs, a few decades apart. Roger was celebrated, by and large, for being outspoken about his faith. Contrast the treatment of Tim Tebow (for the same attribute) in recent years. Sad state of affairs.
  20. One athlete who was truly worthy of the term “role model.” He was a hero of mine growing up, and happen-stance allowed me to meet him as a young man (I worked at a summer camp where a couple of his daughters worked, and his son and youngest daughter attended). Was one of those rare cases where the man met or even exceeded the image. What an incredible athlete and, even more important, human being.
  21. Crazy he dropped to round 7. Hopefully that’s a steal of a pick for the Broncos.
  22. Lol - do they actually pay Mack to be the Longhorn-obsessed, Bama-jock sniffing, stereotypical Gomer? Or does he just play that part on this website. This thread is pure gold 🤣😂
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