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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. I think you’re right, if healthy. Should be an interesting first round slate or games. HJ is still the biggest threat to Yates in this region. Here’s to all our teams staying healthy.
  2. I go back and forth between being mad about wasting time and money on a charade that has no chance of accomplishing anything (other than the opposite of the “healing” everyone likes to talk about without doing anything to achieve it). Or being glad they are like a child or a pet with an unsolvable puzzle. They will never be able to solve it but it keeps them occupied from doing something more stupidly harmful.
  3. ^ Tell me you don’t understand the science of weather without saying you don’t understand the science of weather 🤣😂
  4. No doubt about that. Just saying that television as a whole like we know it is down. And even with those of us who don’t watch anymore (or much - I watched one half of NFL this year which was the first half of SB), it will still be the highest rated program of the year and it won’t be close. And to be clear, I didn’t not watch because of the kneeling, etc. I don’t watch because my team sucks and I can’t stand the owner. And the refs gave me all I could stomach in the first 30 minutes of the game Sunday. I would rather spend my time doing or watching other things.
  5. Not everyone because most couldn’t give 2 rips about 6th grade basketball 😂
  6. Wow - Had no idea you had worked with him. He passed 30 years after I had played for him, but we remained in contact and even spent some time in gyms together watching my son play. Loved that man dearly.
  7. My high school coach ended up coaching there for about 7 years beginning in the late 90s. He passed away 2 years ago.
  8. And actually it’s the lowest numbers since 2007, not 1969, when the Colts-Bears received 3 million less viewers. Stop posting fake news Reagan - you were only 40 years off!
  9. It’s television in general. Ratings are vastly lower across the board. Cable/Satellite out, streaming in. And the SB set the all time record for streaming. Again, doesn’t fit the narrative but it’s the world we live in. Not my bag but apparently is for many.
  10. Gotcha. I had read in the fall that he passed on the GCM job and took the Sterling one. Ronnie can really coach. I was shocked at Sterling’s record. Guess that explains it.
  11. I agree on the PG. I was more impressed with his game than any of the others. As stated, the shooters could fill it up when hot. Neither shoot it at an elite level though. The kid that will almost assuredly be on varsity in a couple of years as a freshman handles it, passes it, and shoots it, ALL at an elite level. You will enjoy watching him play.
  12. This team was never going to be as good as some thought. They had some kids that like to put it up and are streaky scorers. But they were fools gold. Much like the coaches poll on who would be playoff teams before the season, I scratched my head on which half of the coaches last season voted for the LCM kid as offensive MVP vs McClure (they tied). Those two aren’t in the same hemisphere. The good news for Bears’ fans is the best player in that school district is in 7th grade. Not sure if they won district but I know they had a battle of undefeateds against Silsbee a few weeks ago and the Cubs won. That kid has the goods and will be the best player to wear the green and gold in quite a while.
  13. Not the hurt the narrative but those tv numbers don’t include streams (over a billion minutes for the first time in streaming history). It will also the most watched telecast of 2021 by a long shot. But carry on old heads 🤣 (from a fellow old head).
  14. A legendary Houston coach took the job at Sterling (who have struggled). And Coach Haymon comes in and has this kind of season with Goose Creek. They certainly can make some noise in playoffs.
  15. Sam and Avant are both juniors (arguably their best two players). Team is about half and half (seniors and juniors). But they should be even better next year.
  16. HJ matches up well with any of them. They are more well rounded. I think WOS COULD give HH another first round exit if the Mustangs were to play the Hyenas (or whatever HH is). A key player or two from Huffman tend to struggle with elite on-ball defenders. I only saw the Mustangs play Silsbee though this year, and I’m not sure if they have any of those.
  17. I mean, it’s been a year a first for Lumberton basketball. Let’s add a 10 page thread to the list!
  18. When was the last time Kentucky, Duke and UNC were all unranked at the same time?
  19. Beat me to it. Thanks @AggiesAreWe Second basketball junkie I’ve heard that from. Hopefully that’s a matchup we get to see. Will be worth the drive.
  20. Similar situation except for the small difference in population to draw from. Call me crazy but I’d like to field a team from a population of over 2 million vs 6 thousand....
  21. Silsbee’s been living rent free in that one’s head for a while.:..
  22. And they settle way too much. There’s a reason they are letting you shoot the ball.
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