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go stros

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Everything posted by go stros

  1. just found out no they did not....it was their #2....liberty will prolly get their ace...and cleveland will get #3 friday(i heard he struck out like 14.....in a game that was called in 5...might of been cleveland)
  2. being an umpire myself, i had 18 years of training from my dad....hes been umpiring for about 30 years....and yes, little league is almost solely voluntary....but alot of those little league umpires actually umpire high school as well....my dad being one of them. although very little training was givin to me for little league(to be honest i got 2 different other than my dad...1-i sat down with the head umpire of the league i was calling and he explaind to me everything i needed to know in about 15 minutes...and the other time i was given a handout), hight school umpires must do SO MUCH MORE....they have their meetings, they have to take a pretty tough test(trust me ive seen it....its definately not easy), and they have to pay their dues! umpin is a tough job but sombodys gotta do it! lol...
  3. hmmmmmmmmm......i see a pattern here....the liberty fans see the panthers squeeking by in a close game....and the 2 guys that picked tarkington(im not biased even though i went there) picked tarkington by a lil more than 1 run.......lol
  4. im pretty sure the guy ahead of you said hf 410....400+ is not quite 410....could be, but we need the dimensions on the wall....
  5. 2 years ago tarkington had jerseys the style of the rams....and to top that off they had gold helmets with a maroon longhorn....kinda like texas......the year before they had the same thing with a maroon *modified* texans logo.....they changed the eyes and put smoke being blown out the nose! i thought they were awesome!
  6. i gotta say tarkington by 4....should be a good game though!
  7. good kid...he should have a great sr year and hopefully will be the first tarkington player to get a 1A scholarship in ages...if ever!
  8. how do i get one of those shirts....ill wear it with pride(im stuck in San Antonio! haha)
  9. im pretty sure its not a comeback if the original statement is not directed twards me...thats what u call I GOT HIS BACK
  10. no surprise there! i bet cleveland doesnt win a district game!
  11. i heard a rumor him and oden may not even go into the draft....but i wont believe it untill it happens!
  12. hes ur daddy! hahahahahah.....
  13. instead of stink bait i woulda used KY....hahahaha good luck tryn to get them doors open after that! lol
  14. Tarkington 12 Coldsprings 10 F...
  15. tarkington beat COLDSPRING....not shepherd like i said! 12-10
  16. definately a great call oldtimer...bold yes, but then agian there are 9 more district games and anything can happen!
  17. whoa liberty won? i am rather shocked! there is still 9 district games left, and anything can happen....last i heard tarkington was beating shepherd 12-7 in the 5th or 6th
  18. yeah....that was a long time ago....gotta say i go with ur predicitons! lol
  19. rivalries arent about size...its about tradition....i say still let em play!
  20. if im not mistaken he was lined up in a 1...inbetween me n u....i had to zone step to get him and i guess i expected him to hit the gap in front of him and i was gonna get an easy pancake......so when i took mystep he looped around....catching me offguard and making the easy tackle.....
  21. i cant believe nobody has said tarkington splendora....for cryn out loud we play for a friggin cow bell! hahahah....its usually a close game, but tarkington hasnt won in 5 trys or so....
  22. yeah thanks ncplaya but i didnt play a single play on defense my sr year! and if it wasnt for that friggin counter that i over stepped on.....lol....but things happen for a reason!
  23. bold prediction old timer
  24. oh and frosty...i was at 3....the last one didnt get played! and that was a low blow....hahahaha, but i bet i could do the job! lol
  25. yeah thats true....im just sayin the lines gotta improve!
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