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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. The head of the Dept of Energy during President Obama's tenure was either a physicist or a chemical engineer. Rick Perry has an animal science degree. Betty Devos never went to a public school and doesnt know what the ADA is. Didnt he appoint Ben Carson to his postion due to the fact that he lived in public housing.? I would be livid if my supervisor, the vice president and president of our organization weren't nurses.
  2. Why do they have lawyers? Trump's lawyer has a lawyer. This is going to get interesting.
  3. Your elevator doesnt go all the way up to the top floor. Is my assessment correct?
  4. Yet, he hires Carson as the HUD director, Perry as the head of the Dept.of Energy and Besty Devos (whatever her name is) and the head of the Dept of Education.
  5. I know. His policies adversely affects them; as well. Yet, they still support him.
  6. I know. His policies adversely affects them; as well. Yet, they still support him.
  7. He doesnt have any taped conversations between he and Comey. What are your thoughts?
  8. All of you guys are lying (repubs) you didnt say a word when Nugent being hateful and you all talked about Griffen like a dog. Shame on you all.
  9. He said Mexicans were rapists, drug dealers etc. That is a racist comment. Contrary to what you all believe, most Muslims are not terrorists. Why isnt he focusing on white nationalists?
  10. He tweets lies then says something different. He is nuts
  11. If they only polled racists, people who hate Muslims, idiots, misogynists, and people who hate Mexicans, his approval rating could be 60%
  12. How do you guys feel about white nationalists? They are a bigger threat in the USA.
  13. Trump is an idiot. If you cant see how dumb he is, you are as stupid as Donny
  14. There is a river that caught on fire 13 times, because of pollution. This is one of the reasons the EPA was created.
  15. Everybody lies. Trump is a PATHOLOGICAL liar, he lies about everything. He lies about his lies, even though they are sometimes in writing.
  16. Trump and his dad were sued by the Dept. Of Justice for discriminatory practices against blacks in regards to their housing complexes in the 70s. A black person was sent into a complex to inquire about housing, they were told that there were not any units available. Three minutes later, a white person was sent in and miracleously there were apartments available.
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