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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. Didn't he say some horrible things about Muslims and didnt he talk about them as if they are a monolith?
  2. My husband is a Seventh Day Adventist. Some of the stuff he says about the end times are ridiculous. I tried going to church with him, but the Ellen G White obsession is too much for me
  3. They didnt an official US religion. They wanted everyone to have the ability to worship as they pleased.
  4. Yet, the same people who "cant see anybody who supports the murder and mutilation of a breathing baby a Christian", support massive budget cuts to programs that help to sustain life, like foodstamps, TANF, and WIC. " We will force you to have the baby, but if he starves to death, that's your problem". Republicans are pro-birth not pro-life
  5. Your explanation doesnt make sense.
  6. Jesus doesnt impose his will on anyone. We have free will; therefore, the government doesnt have the right, either. Jesus NEVER forced a person to follow him.
  7. #1 His tweets show that he doesnt have any self control. #2 He told some Russians classified information, given to the U.S. by our allies, which can cause harm to the person, or people that gathered the information. Need I say more?
  8. Trump is doing s great job of taking down himself. He doesnt need any help.
  9. If you dont have anything nice to say.......I am not going yo reply.
  10. The timing of the firing is not a good look for Trump. He fired a man who was leading an investigation into his possible ties to Russia. He fired him after he said he wouldnt. What changed?
  11. How do you feel about white nationalists?
  12. How do you guys feel about corporate welfare?
  13. It is not a good look for Trump. He fired a man who was leading an investigation into his ties with Russia. His timing was awful.
  14. Lmbo, now that's funny
  15. The FBI has more than one agent.
  16. Yet, they continue to test missles ;in spite of ,Trump's threats.
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