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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. What about people who work who cant afford to pay for healthcare?
  2. Someone mentioned phones, i responded to the statement. Duh
  3. Does Trump like the idea? He praised Australia's system, yet he allowed someone to draft that ridiculous healthcare bill. He is so stupid. He said their healthcare system is better than ours. (They have Universal Healthcare) [Hidden Content]
  4. You might die, if you become seriously ill
  5. What about the massive cuts in Medicaid and Medicare? The pre existing condition clause. The fact that babies that are born with health problems wont be able to obtain coverage? Do you like that?
  6. While you are sitting on your high horse, you need to pray that you and your family members dont get seriously ill. Watching someone you love ,die, because of inadequate healthcare is an earth shattering experience.
  7. .His followers will say he never said this. They are brainwashed
  8. He doesnt. He is disgusting
  9. B.S. it helped people with pre-existing conditions who couldnt obtain coverage if they we ill in the past. It also helped people with chronic illnesses. Before the ACA, once the insurance company spent 3 million dollars on your care, they would kick you off of their plan. It has helped college students by allowing them to stay on their parents health plan until the age of 26. My son hopes to get into medical school, so this is great. It helped the working poor, people who made to much to receive medicaid, but not enough to afford other coverage through Medicaid expansion. How can someone make a comment about the ACA when they know nothing about it?
  10. I never undetstood why anyone would go on a hunger strike. They are only hurting themselves. Smh
  11. It has been recently reported that he does have mental issues
  12. They have ruled the kid's death a homicide. [Hidden Content]
  13. How do you know the inner workings of Trump's mind? The guy isnt too bright. I dont know what he is thinking or if he has an ulterior motive in regards to meeting the guy. I am wondering why he said he is will be honored to meet the dude. We will see.
  14. I like diplomacy, i dont care if he meets with him. You guys like war. How do you feel about this situation, especially after the empty threats Trump has made thus far? I am confused as to why he feels "honored" to meet the dictator.
  15. Now he wants to meet with the dictator and talk. What happened to all the threats? He suddenly wants to be diplomatic. They successfully called his bluff.
  16. Some of you guys think that Muslims are the only ones that perform terroristic acts. I think not.
  17. Nope, he believed in diplomacy and actually thought about the consequences of his actions. Trump made a fool out of himself, again. President Obama sent drones to Syria beginning in 2014 to combat members of ISIS.
  18. Black people, al "holding each other back" is a sweeping generalization created by white people. We are not a monolith. Have you figured out what that word means yet?
  19. You just proved my point, dummy.
  20. Sure.....if they were afraid of Trump, they wouldnt have attempted the launch. He is a joke. He sent missiles to Syria and they resumed bombings 2 days later.
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