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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. I dont have a problem with you saying Happy Easter, I am a Christian. If a Jew wrote on this thread Happy Passover or a Muslim wrote Happy....... in reference to one of their holidays, some of you guys would go crazy.
  2. Do white people hold each other back? Did white people prevent Hilliary Clinton from becoming the President?. It can be said that there are people in every race that dont want to see others in their race succeed if we only look at certain instances.
  3. Baddog is an ignoramus. What type of person would start a thread like this? Hopefully, he is a young guy. An older person cant be this stupid.
  4. What the hell do that have to do with anything? Wow...
  5. Dez bryant is an idiot and he is not an expert on African American affairs. What he said is a myth.
  6. This is a non issue. The FBI obtained a warrant to listen to one of Trump's aides. There is not any evidence supporting the assertion that Trump was wiretapped. If he were, Obama didnt wiretap him, the FBI did. I dont care what Rush says....the heat is on.
  7. If they had a warrant, the surveillance was legal and the judge felt there was probable cause.( If a cop has a WARRANT for my arrest, the arrest is legal.) The FBI obtained the warrant. What is the issue?
  8. Yeah, right. Keep dreaming. Lol.
  9. I never said Trump called Putin. I said Russians were warned.
  10. What about the ABC news article? Is it fake as well?
  11. Did you think, before you typed this response?
  12. Me too. Do you think this discredits Trump and his America First promise?
  13. Obama wanted to go after assad. Congress wouldnt aporove it. Why did some Republicans have a change of heart? Why were the Russians and Syrans warned? I read that they were able to move equipment etc, before the strike. Why did he only strike one airport?
  14. I am not talking about refugees. How is Trump going to handle the Syrian leader? The airstrick didnt scare him.
  15. [Hidden Content] If they knew, what was the point?
  16. weap·on of mass de·struc·tion noun plural noun: weapons of mass destruction a chemical, biological or radioactive weapon capable of causing widespread death and destruction. In my opinion a chemical that kills only 87 people is not a weapon of MASS destruction
  17. Breitbart Breitbart › home Syndicated news and opinion website providing continuously updated headlines to top news and analysis sources.
  18. Time Magazine is more reliable thsn Breitbart.
  19. mass mas/ noun . the majority of. "the great mass of the population had little interest in the project" synonyms: majority, greater part/number, best/better part, major part, bulk, main body, lion's share; most "the mass of our students are licensed drivers" adjective 1. relating to, done by, or affecting large numbers of people or things. IS 87 PEOPLE THE MAJORITY OF THE PEOPLE?
  20. Ted Bundy killed more people than that.
  21. Yes, we are breeding idiots. Badddog is a great example.
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