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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. Yesterday you guys were bragging,saying that Trump showed Putin that he wasnt afraid....Now, he had to warn Russia? Which one is it?
  2. Why didnt the Republicans approve a missle strick when Obama made the request?
  3. America First.....i guess not. Trump just made a complte ass out of himself and you know. I have not.found the ship story on any reputable site. Putin is not afraid of Trump. This is probably a distraction so that they can get our minds off of their strange relationship. What are his plans now?
  4. Why has the Republicans stance changed? Trump ridiculed Hilliary Clinton during a debate, especially when she talked about no fly zones. He said it would start WW3. Now he is considering it. So sad
  5. I thought you guys said all of the reports were incorrect during Obama's tenure. Nash, do you beleive them now?
  6. Obama placed economic sanctions on Russia. Trump was talking about lifting them. What do you think Trump will do now? This is so entertaining.
  7. You dont have a clue. Trump was opposed to any military action in Syria. He ridiculed Hilliary in a debate when she talked about no fly zones. Now, he is thinking about the same thing. Flip-Flop
  8. So you were against airstricks aimed at ISIS members, but you approve of them against Assad?
  9. You have a short memory. Trump kissed Putin's butt, now Putin has turned on him. He baited Trump and he fell for it. This airstrick discredits Trump..
  10. socialism 1 na political theory advocating state ownership of industry I have never said i agree with this
  11. If Trump gets a huge tax break on his personal taxes, how does that help to produce jobs? His corporations are separate entities and are prople too.
  12. If it were a weapon of MASS destruction, it wouldve killed more than 85 people. How many people did the atomic bomb kill?
  13. He said he didnt do it. Who knows. If he did, it was a stupid move. Was Russia involved? Did they use the chemical attack to bait Trump into responding? They did challenge him.
  14. [Hidden Content] President Obama used airstricks against Syria. Trump didnt think it was a good idea. REPgp is correct, this only hurts Trump and it discredits him
  15. Are these the first airstricks against syria. Did President Obama order airstricks? Werent you against them?
  16. Sure...Trump flip flops. He never cared about those people before. He doesnt want the refugees in the country. [Hidden Content]
  17. [Hidden Content] What caused Trump and some Republicans to change their minds? They were opposed to the idea when President Obama brought the idea to Congress. Are we going to start accepting syrian refugees again since we just bombed them?
  18. My goodness. We have been performing airstrikes against Syria since 2014. Trump was critical of Obama decision, but now he is doing the same thing. [Hidden Content]
  19. In a socialist society, the government owns all forms of production. When have i said i agree with that concept?
  20. Maybe Obama said it, i need to do some research, because you guys lie. Regardless, he later sanctioned Putin and Russia. What do you think Trump is going to do? Why was Trump called out. Do they not respect him?
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