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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. How do you know? Why is he asking for immunity when HE said that it means one is guilty?
  2. Is this the best comment you could think of? Really?
  3. Are you saying that Obama personally wiretapped Trump's phone? There is not any evidence except articles from right winged sites. The real Fake news. Something is really wrong with you people. Smh
  4. Surely, you guys are not complaing about the coverage in regards to the "Russian Scandal". How much time and money did the members of Congress spend "investigating" "Emailgate" and Benghazi?
  5. Hilliary had 3 million more votes than Trump. I am glad, i enjoy watching Trump make a fool out of himself.
  6. Oh please, Trump doesnt care about the working class. His Cabinet is comprised of milionaires, he tried to strip health insurance from millions of people. He wants to cut funding to programs like WIC and make drastic cuts to social security.
  7. President Obama didnt spy on Trump. Are you saying that he was hiding in the bushes tracking Trump's every move? He is not a secret agent. If Trump was wiretapped, a judge had to approve it. It is not illegal to wiretap a person's phone if it is approved by a judge. What is so hard to understand about the process of how wiretapping works? What is your point?
  8. Trump is the worst "President" in modern history.
  9. Breitbart?? The right winged "newspaper" that is run by a white supremist
  10. Nope. He is being questioned about ties to Russia.
  11. [Hidden Content]. I am not sure if they will find any wrongdoing, but Flynn said in the past that asking for immunity means one is guilty
  12. Now the Republicans on this board are whining and complaining after they said so many unkind things about President Obama. They cant handle the truth. #DumpTrump
  13. People who have pre existing and complex medical condifions. People who get coverage through Medicaid expansion. Kids like my son (who hopefully will go to med school) who are allowed to stay on their parents i insurance plan until they are 26.
  14. You cant shop on the exchange if you dont work. You would have to apply for Medicaid. You have to be a special kind of stupid to hate something you dont fully comprehend. Sigh...
  15. You cant shop on the exchange if you dont work. You would have to apply for Medicaid. You have to be a special kind of stupid to hate something you dont fully comprehend. Sigh...
  16. What the hell are you talking about? They tried to repeal it. Duh...
  17. Trump used scare tactics. It didnt work.
  18. He said he was going to repeal Obamacare "on day one"
  19. It is ova.(not over) That was the last hoorah. Nice try. We stay winning.
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