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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. Getting Mexico to pay for the wall? FAILED. Travel ban 1 -FAILED. Travel ban 2 -FAILED. Putting Hillary in prison? FAILED. Repealing and replacing the ACA? FAILED. Being a respected, dignified president? FAILED. "Were going to win so much, you're going to get sick of it. It's going to be YUGE. Believe me."
  2. It is not going to happen anytime soon. Lmbo RESIST!!
  3. [Hidden Content]- RESIST!!!!!!!!
  4. I know, right. My goodness. Smh. Do they work? Some people are always on this board. I work so i cant spend all of my time on here
  5. What about Saudi Arabia? Why were they not banned? They harbor more terrorists than anyone on the list. Is it because Trump has business interests in that country?
  6. I am so proud. Texas A&M is my alma mata. Class of '93. Gig 'em
  7. That dude is weird. I am not sure if he is a part of a child porn ring. I dont trust your source.
  8. Prove your general statement.
  9. No, they weren't. Members of the Russian mafia who were staying in Trump Tower were being watched. They caught everyone, but the ringleader.
  10. Sure you dont. You still havent figured out what monolith means.
  11. That was a sad situation, but all Muslims shouldnt be punished. If a person is properly vetted, i am ok. What about white terrorists, should we ban travel from European countries?
  12. He is an idiot. He doesnt have an answer.
  13. I expect clean water, pollution free air, Medicare, social security. I am a R.N. and i care for the sickest kids in Texas through the MDCP. Some of these kids would die without Medicaid, so i dont have a problem with them receiving aid.
  14. Ahhh, you learned a new word. Good for you!!!
  15. There is not any evidence that President Obama wiretapped his phone. I doubt the President knows how to wiretap phones. He is lying...Only a judge can order a wiretap so if that happened( there is not any proof) Trump did something wrong
  16. Yeah, because they are as stupid as you are. (Trump supporters)
  17. You cant believe anything Trump and Conway says.
  18. I can list more lies. This is the point. He lies and denies that he lied and blames it on fake news. Why in the world would he say that the unemployment rate is "really 43%", and that the data was wrong when it said how low the unemployment rate was under President Obama. Two weeks later the data is suddenly true when it shows that the unempmoyment rate is 4.7%. It is not normal for Conway to say it is not a lie, but an alternative fact. He tweeted that Obama wiretapped his phone and lied and said he didnt. He lies and doesnt care how if affects people. He needs to know that his words can affect global markets. Kellyanne said microwaves were used as a survillance tools and lied the next day and said she didnt say it. She blamed it on fake news. THIS IS NOT NORMAL.
  19. It is not normal to tweet something like President Obama wiretapped my phone and lie and say you didnt tweet it. It is not normal to say on national tv that the unemployment rate is 43% and lie and say you didnt say it and blame it on the media and fake news. Trump is nuts and so are is followers.
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