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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. White people perform more terrorist attacks in the US than any other race. So sad. Thugs!!!!
  2. Reread what Obama said.
  3. President Obama did not tap his phone, Hilliary is not going to jail, the unemployment rate was never 43%, he is trying to repeal Obamacare. LIES
  4. Did President Obama deny that be said those things?
  5. A person who lies for personal gain without concern for others. Obama wiretapped my phone. FBI probings show that Hilliary did something illegal and should be put in jail. He said he was going have a special prosecutor look into the email scandal and send her to jail. He was supposed to drain the swamp. My insurance plan will be better than Obamacare. All of the lies he told on the campaign trail to get elected were for gain. He lies in a tweet or on National t.v and the next day he denies that he lied. I didnt mean he wiretapped my phone. Hilliary is a nice lady, i am not sending her to jail. I am not going to repeal Obamacare, i am going to make it better. Hold on, i sm going to repeal it. The reports of the employment rate is inaccurate, the rate is actually 42%. This months rate is 4.6%, now i believe it. I am doing a great job. He said that he didnt like the electoral college and it should be done away with. Oh, wait. I won the electoral votes by the biggest margin I had the biggest inarguration crowd. The pictures are fake. All Muslims are dangerous. Etc
  6. I agree. Why didnt he release his most current tax returns. It is great that he paid taxes in 2005. Didnt he say in a debate that he hadnt paid taxes in close to 20 years or something close to that? He also said if Hilliary had a problem with it she shouldve changed the law.
  7. Pathological liar. I read that Conway said that they used a microwave or something like that, to watch Trump. I am not sure that it is not true.
  8. He said that "Obama wiretapped his phone", didnt he? What are people supposed to think he meant? He lied period . If i said Johnny broke into my house and stole my microwave. What would you think, that he stole my stove? Nice Try...
  9. whatever. They always spew hate
  10. [Hidden Content] What about this article?
  11. How does Spicer deal with Trump? My goodness, it is one lie after another. Spicer is not playing with a full deck. Geez
  12. I know. His followers believe everything that he says. So sad.
  13. You are by far the dumbest person to visit this site. Real talk!!! KMSL
  14. Steve wanted changes to be made to the social security system, just like members of the GOP. He is such a hypocrite. I bet he cant wait to cash that check every month. Lol. I agree with you LumRaider.
  15. [Hidden Content] Roflmbo. Now Trump believes the reports. He is lame and like some of you guys. I cant stop laughing.
  16. I always believed the rates, even now. You guys didnt
  17. Trump said that the unemployment rate was 45% a few weeks ago and some of you guys believed him. You now believe that it 4.7? Why the sudden change of heart?
  18. You cant answer my questions can you? Poor Steve. I forgot that you only deal with microeconmics.
  19. By tbe way, do any of you guys on a job? You all spend a lot of time on here. I work so i am not on here everyday. Nash, do you collect social security or did you pass, because it is an entitlement?
  20. Steve you know better why are you frontin? Is the unemployment rate low because people gave up on finding jobs? How many jobs were created under President Obama"s tenure? The unemployment rate dropped .1 percentage points. Trump has not created a budget. He hasnt done anything, but try to get that stupid immigration law passed. Idoits read this The United States budget process begins when the President of the United States submits a budget request to Congress. The President's budget is formulated over a period of months with the assistance of the Office of Management and Budget, the largest office within the Executive Office of the President. The budget request includes funding requests for all federal executive departments and independent agencies. Budget documents include supporting documents and historical budget data and contains detailed information on spending and revenue proposals, along with policy proposals and initiatives with significant budgetary implications. The President's budget request constitutes an extensive proposal of the administration's intended revenue and spending plans for the following fiscal year. The budget proposal includes volumes of supporting information intended to persuade Congress of the necessity and value of the budget provisions. In addition, each federal executive department and independent agency provides additional detail and supporting documentation on its own funding requests. The documents are also posted on the OMB website. The Budget and Accounting Act of 1921 requires the President to submit the budget to Congress for each fiscal year which is the 12-month period beginning on OCTOBER 1 and ending on SEPTEMPER of the next calendar year. The current federal budget law (31 U.S.C. ยง 1105(a)) requires that the President submit the budget between the first Monday in January and the first Monday in February. In recent times, the President's budget submission has been issued in the first week of February.[4] We are still operating under Obama's budget. Trump hasnt been in office long enough cause any real change
  21. We are still operating under Obama's fiscal year until October. Let' s see what happens after that. So.....now you guys believe the unemployment rates? Didnt you all say it was inaccurate, because people gave up on finding a job?
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