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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. You are a race baiter.
  2. It is obvious that Nash is not a free thinker.
  3. Trump is one strange dude.
  4. Why has Trump started campaigning for his next presidential bid so early?
  5. Trump is one strange dude.
  6. I am going to build a big wall, a big, big wall and Mexico is going to pay for the wall. (No, they are not) I am going to drain the swamp ( he puts a bunch of Wall Street executives in his Cabinet) what about the working class? My inauguration had the biggest crowd ever ( Roflmbo) Obama left me a mess (smh) I have done a lot of great things in a month. (what I say) I am tired of typing.
  7. This is an ALTERNATIVE FACT. President Obama didnt force Flynn to call that dude from Russia. Smh.
  8. What lies, are you kidding me? Oh, I forgot, they are ALTERNATIVE FACTS.
  9. I read it from other news outlets as well. I figured you wouldnt believe it unless it came from your precious Fox News.
  10. I did not feel lime typing, but this is from your beloved fox news FOX NEWS HALFTIME REPORT Flynn's stumbles an object lesson for Trump By Chris StirewaltPublished February 13, 2017 FoxNews.com On the roster: Flynn’s stumbles an object lesson for Trump - Trump says just some ‘tweaking’ on Canada trade - Miller takes hardline stance on presidential power - Audible: Thanks, pal - Rocket boys FLYNN’S STUMBLES AN OBJECT LESSON FOR TRUMP American presidents live in a world of secrecy, but they can have almost no real secrets themselves. Presidents quickly learn that privacy is a thing of the past, and not just from the prying eyes of the press and public. They have to assume that every phone call, every meeting, every movement is heard and seen by someone. Hostile spies are always watching – or at least trying to – and so are the intelligence and defense agencies that are trying to protect him. Almost all of it may stay secret from the general public, but the safe bet for world leaders including our own, is that someone is listening. As President Trump sometimes awkwardly comes to terms with being the fish in the fishbowl, he gets to observe the case of his National Security Adviser, Michael Flynn. The main issue for Flynn is that he did not tell the truth about his conversations with the Russian ambassador to the U.S. It would have been bad enough if Flynn had simply misled the press, but he also seems to have let the vice president step forward and repeat those untruths on his behalf. Flynn, who has attributed the misstatements to poor memory and not any intent to deceive, has reportedly apologized to Pence and is doing his best to dig in against his internal foes. The retired general’s perilous position is highlighted in a couple of different ways. We know of reports about tensions between Flynn and Defense Secretary James Mattis. Mattis has more pull inside the administration, arguably, than any other cabinet member and if he has issues with Flynn, that’s a big deal. But more ominous for Flynn was the news over the weekend that the CIA director had nixed one of Flynn’s top deputies for failing to qualify for high-level security clearance. If Trump’s newly minted CIA boss, Mike Pompeo, feels obliged and willing to shut down the president’s closest national security adviser that’s a big deal. Flynn or his allies seemed to make the case that the deputy got booted because of a turf war between the agencies and as retribution for Flynn’s efforts to reform U.S. intelligence. Remember all of the drama at the time of the inauguration about Trump questioning U.S. intelligence and wondering if the Russians weren’t telling the truth and the CIA lying? That was probably Flynn’s voice coming through. But to renew allegations of corruption against the CIA after Trump’s director is in charge is something different. It’s hard to imagine Trump would believe Pompeo is a crook so soon after selecting him and so soon after the president visited the agency to make peace. Flynn’s ongoing drama with other agencies is just one piece of the puzzle here, though. The biggest part is about Flynn’s ties to Russia. Had Flynn not told the truth about a call to with the ambassador from France or Burundi or even Iran, it would be far less damaging. Flynn, who is seen by many in the national security community as too cozy with Putinist Russia and who in 2015 accepted an honorarium from the Kremlin propaganda network, was calling the Russian ambassador and discussing sanctions on Russia concerning interference in the 2016 campaign. Flynn’s continued presence at such a high echelon makes for a daily reminder of an unhappy chapter. Democrats want to portray Trump as Putin’s “puppet,” so it hardly helps Trump to have his top national security adviser caught telling untruths about his communications with Russians.
  11. What law is Trump trying to uphold?
  12. I know right. We have checks and balances in place. Trump is not a dictator, so judges can disagree with him. We have the legislative, judicial and executive branches. The travel ban was ridiculous. Why did he think he could get away with it is beyond me.
  13. Roflmbo. I am enjoying every minute of this.
  14. Trump is orange. Do you have another explanation?
  15. We deserve it. This nation was built on my ancestors back, and some of you people call black people lazy. Hmmm.
  16. Flynn is not a victim. He got what he deserved. "Cry me a river."
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