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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. I agree, wholeheartedly. It hasnt been a month and he has many so many mistakes.
  2. "Another one bites the dust". One cant give information to the Russians. Shameful. Lmbo
  3. Trump makes me long for the days of George W. Bush. He is an idiot, and he doesnt have a clue. "Give him a chance", you say. The same chance you people gave President Obama?
  4. Not my President. #resist
  5. Just like you guys gave President Obama a chance? Mitch McConnell said that the Republicans goal was to make President Obama a one term President.
  6. I am proud, and I find the situation amusing. Did you guys see all of the protests across the country; as well as, the demonstrations in Rome, Sydney, London, and a city in New Zealand? If you watched the pre-march ceremony in Washington, the speakers explained why they felt the need to have the procession.Trump has only been in office for 3 days. I read that there are protests scheduled in 600 U.S. cities.This is amazing. Is Trump embarrassed? Why is he tweeting about the marches? Why does he care?
  7. He insulted both Democrats and Republicans. I guess he doesn't mind having a contentious relationship with them over the next four years.
  8. Why is Trump still throwing "twitter" tantrums? He won the election. He doesn't act like an adult.
  9. Unfortunately, it wasn't the best speech in modern history. It was awful, in my opinion.
  10. What do you consider reliable sources?
  11. It would. Answer my question. What would you do if you were ill, and you were kicked off of your health plan?
  12. She expects better from a man who is the leader of the free world.
  13. I don't believe you made an A. I admit that I never won any spelling contests, (Thank God for spell check) so why are you lying? My sister, who is a teacher, is disturbed by his lack of knowledge, in regards to, adverb/adjective agreement.
  14. You took a class called sentence structure? You guys sure are a hostile bunch. I have a right to my opinion. I thought the speech was awful.
  15. You are correct. I thought I spell checked, before i wrote this. Thanks!.
  16. Ok. That's your opinion and I respect it.
  17. I was talking about adjectives and adverbs in his entire speech, not in that phrase. It doesnt matter what you believe. I was editing my post when you were responding.. The blue sky comment was removed, but that statement was not meant to unify.
  18. The intent of his speech was not to unify.
  19. If the intent of the address was to be divisive, he succeeded. If his intent was to unify a divided nation, the speech was an epic failure. He did a lot of bloviating and it was dismal in nature. My sister is a 5th grade teacher, and she said that she taught students that understood adjective/adverb agreement better than he does. "From ocean to ocean and mountain to mountain" will not be remembered in posterity. There was not any fludity. Apparently, the crowd agreed as he received very little applause.
  20. Trump does an excellent job when it comes to making himself look bad. He doesnt need any help.
  21. Has Trump payed his fair share of INCOME taxes?
  22. Is he a terrorist? Did he get charged with a crime?
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