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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. Ahh yeah!!! I cant wait to sit back and enjoy this show. I read that Trump wrote his speech himself. Kmsl
  2. What happened to the FEMA concentration camps?
  3. So you guys were WRONG!!! He is not coming for our guns.
  4. Big girl


    Roflmbo. Your ignorance is astonishing.
  5. I am a RN. My sister went to the ER, because she had an earplug stuck in her ear. Her bill was 2,000. They charged her for the oxygen saturation monitoring, the med given, the doctor's prescription;even though, they couldnt remove the ear plug. She had to go to an ENT. Let's say it takes a year for a cancer patient to reach the 3 million dollar max(it takes a much shorter period of time). What does he/she do after they are kicked off of the plan?
  6. I googled the "Washington Examiner". It is a conservative tabloid type newspaper. I am not suprised. The article is ridiculous. You guys fall for these type of articles all the time. I sort of feel sorry for y'all . Smh
  7. The "Washington Examiner". I need a better source. How many lives has "Obamacare" saved? People who had pre-existing conditions are now able to obtain coverage. There are not any maximum cost limitations. Before the ACA, once a company spent 3 million on your care, you could be kicked off of the plan. If one had a illness , such as cancer, that would occur within a couple of months, and they were left for dead. What is going to happen to those patients if the ACA is repealed?
  8. Big girl


    He made an attempt, but that is irrelevant. I asked when is President Obama coming for our guns? Some of you guys said "he is coming for our guns". When, I say. When?
  9. When is President Obama coming for our guns?
  10. Obama doesnt have thin skin, and he never threw a "twitter" tantrum.
  11. I got the information from ABC News. Why wouldnt I believe it? Have you read any of Trump's tweets. This is not beneath him.
  12. Did Trump say that he can shoot someone on 5th Avenue, i think that is the name of the street, and his "followers" would still support him? Are you condoning his actions? The fact that he disrespected Mexicans, Muslims etc.? Wow!!!!
  13. A 16 year old tweeted that Donald Trump is a orange cheeto , so Trump blocked him. The 16 year old is stunned, and he thinks that it is ridiculous that Trump cared enough to block him. He was (the 16 year old) interviewed by ABC News. I taught high school last year. I heard through the grapevine, things that some students were saying about me behind my back. I never confronted them, because i didnt care.
  14. Big girl


    When is President Obama coming for our guns?
  15. [Hidden Content]. Do you guys think that it is odd that he cares what a 16 year old thinks of him? He has to get "thicker skin".
  16. Get over it. The NAACP organization is not going away, and they will continue to "do what they do". Who cares what you all think?
  17. He did. A great majority of you guys are racists. Smh
  18. Because all Black people are a monolith? I heard that the person was kidnapped and tortured, because he/she is a Trump supporter. Regardless, this is reprehensible and they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
  19. I can correct my spelling, but your stupidity will always remain. That won't change.
  20. It is obviius that he doesnt care if the Republicabs are upset.
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