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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. I feel bad for people with pre-existing conditions that wont be able to get healthcare. i guess you guys are ok with them dying.
  2. Why does Pence receive them daily?
  3. You guys already know that i think that Trump is insane. What more can i say?
  4. The article states otherwise. The President needs to hear the briefings. Mike Pence gets daily briefings, so it must be important.
  5. [Hidden Content] Thoughts
  6. According to the article, it is important that he gets daily briefings during the transition. Didnt it say that all of the presidents before him have received them everyday? I think Trump's reasoning is ridiculous.
  7. [Hidden Content] Do you agree with Trump?
  8. What jobs are coming back to America. A lot of people in his Cabinent are Wall Street guys. Do you think they care about the working class?
  9. I am still here. Trump is so amusing. i am loving every minute of his antics. His victory tour, and his tweeting rants. Isnt he going to be one of the executive producers of the "Celebrity Apprentice"? "Where they do that at?"
  10. Hilliary didnt win the popular vote in Texas. smh
  11. This is so sad. They want to force a woman to have a baby, while making massive cuts to programs that serve to sustain life like SNAPS, WIC and TANF. Have the baby, who cares if he starves to death.
  12. Oh my...the democrsts snd Republicsns switched ideologies. The transformation was complete whe the Dixiecrsts left the Democratic party for the GOP in the 1960s
  13. [Hidden Content] It's hard to measure the scale of his disruption," Gibbs wrote in the magazine's article about choosing Trump this year.
  14. Are the 500 + members of the college going to vote for him?
  15. She is the choice of the people by 2.5 million people. if Trump won the popular vote, but lost the electorial college, you guys would be enraged.
  16. There is not any evidence to support your claim.
  17. I am not impressed and neither is this guy. [Hidden Content]
  18. Let me rephrase. Do you think that all illegal immigrants are rapists?
  19. Your ignorance is astonishing . I hope your parents are not paying your tuition, because they are wasting their money.
  20. Sit back and enjoy the ride. Trump is showing his butt (I wanted to use another word) and he hasn't taken office yet.
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