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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. He had political experience. He knew how the government worked. Trump doesn't. Obama was a senator for around 2 years. Look at the article I posted. If Trump has served in the Senate, some people would be more at ease
  2. If he doesn't know something as simple as that. Do you expect him to have knowledge of more important issues?
  3. So, if he keeps some parts, he is not repealing it. Right? rəˈpēl/ verb 1. revoke or annul (a law or congressional act). "the legislation was repealed five months later" synonyms: revoke, rescind, cancel,reverse, annul, nullify,declare null and void,quash, abolish;
  4. He had political experience. According to this article, he served longer than a year. [Hidden Content]
  5. Yet, he is surrounding himself with politicians. W Shouldn't you consult with a CPA?
  6. I never thought Romney was the devil. I don't recall thinking that Bush was a bad person, but i think he was a horrible President. I wasn't extremely upset when he was elected, like i was with Trump. Bush was the governor of Texas, so he had some political experience. I am almost positive that his advisors knew they had to staff the West Wing.
  7. He said that he is not going to repeal it.
  8. I don't know anything, but the President-Elect should. Don't you agree?
  9. You are right. He said the use of internment camps gave him the idea for a national registry. This is more of a concern for me During the campaign, Trump said he might have supported the internment of Japanese-Americans at the time. He might have supported???? Does he support them now?
  10. I never heard her say that, but if she did she should have given a detailed explanation of what she did mean
  11. Black people don't exactly have a lot of warm and fuzzy moments in American history. I guess we are going to be the next group that is required to register. Some black people that I know are concerned.
  12. This is ridiculous idea. Everyone needs to be probably vetted, not just people of Muslim faith. Putting anyone in an camp or "housing" before they get here is asinine. The fact that people think that this type of thing is acceptable is the reason my son is receiving counseling
  13. OMG. They rounded up American citizens. They were not responsible for the bombings. If a bunch of white men from France start blowing up U.S. buildings and terrorizing U.S. citizens would you be ok with being rounded up and put in an internment camp? This is why college students are terrified. Some people actually believe that US citizens ,that are of Muslim faith ,should be forced to register with the government . Whose next? Black people?
  14. I don't think so. Baylor is a Christian University, so I know prayer is involved. I don't know what else they do to alleviate his fears.
  15. Why would I be embarrassed? It is the truth. Can you refute what I wrote.
  16. I am good. I was explaining why my son is terrified. He is only 19 and this was his first time voting. He is majoring in history and is on the pre-med tract (pre-med is not a major). He is looking at history. He can name all the horrible presidents and how their policies affected America in a bad way. I think things aren't going to be good, but they are not going to be catastrophic.
  17. One who believes in a white nation. Come on, white nationalist? A 5th grader can problem get nation from the world nationalist. Geez!!!
  18. So, the military should round up Muslim citizens, even people who were born here, and put them in camps. That is what happened to some Japanese people during WW2. Is that what you are saying?.
  19. The man is going to be the leader of the free world. He doesn't know what to do, he is not prepared . He doesn't have any knowledge of how the government works. He didnt even know that he has to staff the West wing.He doesn't have control of his emotions, and he is still tweeting .Dont you think he should be worried about more pressing issues? This is scary.
  20. He does not have any political experience. This is the most important job in the WORLD . if you needed brain surgery and you found out that a Registered Nurse was going to operate on you, would you be terrified? This is how I feel.
  21. If he said It, would it make him a racist?
  22. Please don't call a black man a boy.
  23. Why did you whine so much in the last 8 years?
  24. They are offering counseling. My son is seeing one.
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