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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. My son goes to Baylor, which is a private school; therefore, he can whine as long and as much as he likes. Go Bears!!
  2. He doesn't have any political experience and it is very obvious. According to reports, his advisers didn't even know that they were supposed to staff the west wing.
  3. Apparently, The guy in this article does.
  4. If he called a black man a boy and said the things he is that accused of saying, does it mean he is racist?
  5. They are legal. You can't accept the truth.
  6. Having Donald Trump as President elect has given be a new perspective. He is horrible. Romney was right, please appoint him, because Trump is an idiot. Hell, I long for the days of Bush 2.
  7. I have answered questions. That was a classic case of deflecting, so I assume you agree with internment camps. Wow!!!!
  8. Please, Jesus. At least he is sane and has political experience.
  9. What do you guys think about internment camps for Muslims? That is my question.
  10. [Hidden Content] You guys know about Bannon. Here is another one
  11. A bunch of racists. I am sure you guys are happy.
  12. [Hidden Content] What are your thoughts?
  13. Translation. You guys are ecstatic that he has appointed a bunch of racists to his Cabinet.
  14. They are a white nationalist website and Bannon has said things that would indicate that he is a white supremist. Why have they filed a lawsuit?
  15. She is winning the popular vote by 7 figures
  16. I thought Trump was "draining the swamp". What happened?
  17. Trump said in this interview with 60 minutes that Hilliary is a good person.
  18. Whatever, You don't believe that tax cuts provide more revenue. How do you know? You are not an economist.
  19. More too. His dad gave him a small sum of 1,000,000 to start his business
  20. President Obama is already deporting Mexican criminals. This is not a new concept.
  21. President Obama, and Hilliary have made statements. Mr Trump needs to say something. People are acting a fool, because of him. He needs to do something to alleviate their fear.
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