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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. . Don't be hating. I think you are jealous because my house is bigger than yours.
  2. Trickle down economics started with Reagan. You guys were trying to diss me for getting a healthcare subsidy, but you all make excuses for a guy that is wealthy. Pathetic!!!!
  3. It is better than getting an endorsement from the KkK or David Duke.
  4. I have explained several times why I shopped on the exchange. I also stated that I only used the insurance until my husband found a job. Did I feel bad about receiving a subsidy, hell no. My husband and I have paid income taxes for over 20 years and i was working when i received the subsidy. I received some of my tax dollars back. Trump hasn't paid income taxes in over 20 years yet he receives secret service protection at taxpayer's expense . You guys are more stupid than I thought.
  5. I am paying for my 5 bedroom, 4 bathroom house.
  6. That Is the definition of educated. I didn't come up with it. There are some smart people who are not educated.
  7. But, you don't have a degree which makes you uneducated. (Now I understand). I think they are also talking about individuals that live in manufactured homes in rural areas for a long period of time.
  8. It is not illegal to issue an executive order. The order has to be approved by the Supreme Court . The members of the court say yes or no. Geez. smh
  9. Isn't Trump now saying he is not going to repeal "Obamacare"?
  10. I wasn't talking about the picture. I was talking about the video footage .
  11. How do you know what He is going to ask him. I thought Trump said President Obama inept. Why would he ask him anything? "He is a good man", "I respect him". That's a 360 turn from previous statements.
  12. Trump is sucking up to Obama. Trump said that "Obama is a good man". He also said he respects him. Did President Obama say the same things about Trump?
  13. He just said he is not going to repeal Obama Care according to some news outlets. How do you feel about that? I thought the article was satirical. Do you really believe he is going to start building a wall in early 2017?
  14. Sadly, two of my friends have become atheists. They don't believe that a just God would allow this to happen.
  15. At this point, It looks like Hilliary is going to win the ppopular vote, soooo Hilliary Clinton The choice of the people November 2016
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