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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. If Trump won the popular vote, You guys would be singing a different tune.
  2. So you like the fact that he is insane. He might "come up missing" if he talks to foreign leaders that way. No one likes a bully.
  3. I am having the time of my life. I enjoy watching the peaceful protests. I don't agree with the people who resort to violence. Those college students are freaking amazing. I wonder if they are sleeping or going to class. They had a small protest on the campus of Baylor University. My son participated. I am so proud.
  4. If Trump won the popular vote, You guys would be singing a different tune.
  5. To Obama that he will call him for advice. I am watching MSNBC .He said he respects the President. WTH?
  6. Zachary Taylor and Grant were generals. Hoover was the Secretary of Commerce and the director of the FDA.
  7. Eisenhower was great. How did the other guys do. I know Hoover was horrible.
  8. I hope so. I doing very well right now. If it gets better great. I hope we are still standing. I read a recent CNN article that said Hilliary is expected to win the popular vote ,as there are votes still being counted in California. Where is the info that Trump is expected to win?
  9. Not pissed. Hell, i am going to be embarrased.
  10. I won't complain. No sir. I refuse to act like you guys did. @itching and whining for 8 years. HILLIARY CLINTON The choice of the people. November, 2016
  11. I do. I am actually having a great time. This should be interesting.
  12. I am glad he was asleep and not tweeting hateful messages like a 10 year old at 3 a.m.
  13. This has happened 5 times in American history. 3 times in the 1800s and twice in modern times. The last time it happened was in 2000 Gore vs Bush. (Another Democrat)You guys would be whining and complaining if the roles were reversed. I accept the fact that he is President. You guys wouldn't. HILLIARY CLINTON The choice of the people of the USA. November, 2016.
  14. Very troubling. I am glad he didn't run for President
  15. I am glad he was asleep and not tweeting hateful messages like a 10 year old at 3 a.m.
  16. EVERY VOTE MATTERS. If it comes from a red state or a blue state, every vote matters. The electoral college was created to keep lunatics like Trump, people that are inept, like him, out of office. Wouldnt it be great if the members of the electoral college didn't vote for Trump next month. I know it is not going to happen, just wishful thinking.
  17. How sad. A Republican has be a lunatic to be elected? (More people voted her her)
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