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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. The debt will increase under Trump's plan; as well, according to the moderator during the last debate. He said around 115%. Hilliary around 89% if I remember correctly. How do you feel about that ?
  2. Trump is unstable. He can't control his temper. He verbally attacks everyone who opposes him. He was awake at 3am tweeting hateful things about a former Ms. Universe . My 15 year old wouldn't do that. This is just one example.
  3. I agree. He made people believe that ALL Muslims were terrorists among other things
  4. Blacks historically vote for Democrats. President Obama was the first black man, the rest were white. My answer is no.
  5. Good for you. She was my college roommate. I can't stand to talk to her now. How did you manage to keep your friendships?
  6. How many? 10 black women?;I know one of them. She WAS my friend until about 2 weeks ago Do you guys think the will of the people was done? More people voted for Clinton. She won the popular vote.
  7. I was devastated last night, but i am over it. If it were someone like Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush or Ted Cruz, I would not have been so upset. Trump terrifies me, because he has so much hate. I have to shake the dust off my feet and keep living. It is what it is. I will not be on in this site everyday complaining about what Trump is or is not doing. Congratulations, Trump supporters!!!! I take comfort in knowing that Hilliary won the popular vote by 200,000. My faith in mankind as a whole is not lost.
  8. I was too devasted to write anything. I cried a lot last night. It is not a Republican, Democratic thing for me. If Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz etc would've won I would be ok. The fact that a man that has zero political experience , and a guy who cannot control his temper won is terrifying. I know I have to kick the dust off of my feet and keep moving and I have to keep living. God is in control. One think I will not do is whine and moan everyday on this thread about what Trump is or is not doing. it is what it is, and I have to accept that he won. Congrats to the Trump supporters!!!!
  9. It is not relevant to this election. He is not currently running for President.
  10. One might not be a racist. An idiot, but not a racist.
  11. He isn't telling the truth, If he were, my questions would have been answered. The price of the insurance is based on the amount of money you make. If one makes 250,000 a year, he won't find insurance for 200/mo. If a person makes 52, 000 a year he can. I was teaching last year and made around 52000, so, I was able to buy inexpensive insurance. I have explained this numerous times.
  12. Trump has bragged about grabbing women by their vagina.He has cheated on all of his wives. He has called women fat and ugly, and he is currently running for President.
  13. Why couldn't you answer my questions on the Big Girl, help insurance thread?
  14. Maybe you should go to the other thread and read my posts about insurance on the exchange . It is obvious you have never shopped for insurance, thus your thoughts and feelings are irevelant.
  15. Did Bill ever brag about his affair with Monica?
  16. Bill Clinton is not currently running for President so why would they ask his daughter anything about him?
  17. How do you know "it" was the truth?
  18. Horrible. It is akin to a mechanic performing open heart surgery, because we are tired of seasoned cardiologists.
  19. According to articles that I have read, blacks and Hispanics have high voter turnouts thus far.
  20. Some Americans are as racist as they were in 1921, including some of you guys.
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