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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. You tell me. I can't believe some of you guys lied about being on the exchange. I was told that I was lying about the amount I was paying for insurance. You guys are so stupid.
  2. What you said is stupid as he'll. smh
  3. If Hilliary has gotten away with as many crimes as You guys alledges, then she is the greatest criminal mastermind of all time. A real life Lex Luthor.
  4. I read something similar about a computer program
  5. I know. Lol. These guys are pathetic.
  6. Furthermore, I explained in a previous post that I was TEACHING a Health Science and Medical Terminology class at a high school at the time. That explains my low income. The district's health plan insurance was more than 10% of my income so I was allowed to shop on the exchange.
  7. There is a max income on a subsidy. I never denied that. Some of you were saying there was a max income for Community Health Choice, which is an insurance plan. I never said my husband was out of work for a year. Never. Now, enough of the deflecting. Can you answer my questions?
  8. If you are on the exchange, these are easy questions.
  9. I was just comparing plans on the exchange. How many gold, silver and bronze plans are offered for a family of four with medium healthcare needs with an income of 52,500. Community health choice has a plan that costs 427.00 a month. what is the deductible and maximum out of pocket amounts? There is a plan that is 327/mo. What is the deductible and maximum out of pocket amount? Remember, I am asking about Silver plans only. What company has the most expensive plans? Advantage Blue, Molina or Communityhealth choice? what company offers a plan that is around 227/month .What is the deductible and maximum out of pocket?
  10. Can anyone explain to me in detail how one gets to the exchange to compare plans and prices? One goes to healthcare.gov, what is the next step?
  11. Community health choice doesnthave a max income.Didnt someone say earlier that the max income was 84,000. Liars. Are you guys even on the the exchange? i doubt it. None of the insurance plans have a max income. That is a stupid assertion. The more you make, the more you pay. I think you guys are lying about being on the exchange, because you all are "making up" stuff.
  12. Community health choice doesnthave a max income.Didnt someone say earlier that the max income was 84,000. Liars. Are you guys even on the the exchange? i doubt it. None of the insurance plans have a max income. That is a stupid assertion. The more you make, the more you pay. I think you guys are lying about being on the exchange, because you all are "making up" stuff.
  13. I don't condone this at all. How do you guys feel about the Trump supporters who are threatening to attack Black people if Hilliary wins?
  14. Community Health choice doesn't have a max income. Type in 52500 income with 4 dependants. That was my income as a teacher when I taught Health Science. My husband had lost his job. Look at silver plans. Tell me what you get.
  15. The more you make, the more you pay, but you can only shop on the exchange if the premiums on your job are more than 10% of your monthly income, If your employer doesn't offer insurance or if you are self employed . I am happy , because my son can stay on my insurance until he is 26, because he is going to medical school once he graduates. I am glad that pre existing conditions don't matter anymore, because my husband and I have one and I am ecstatic that there are no longer any maximum amount limitations.
  16. Community Health choice silver plan. You have to choose whether you want a bronze plan which is cheaper, but has higher deductibles, silver plan which is in the middle, and the gold plan which has lower premiums, but is more expensive. It also depends on your income and the number of dependants you have. i would have to know that before I can shop for insurance for you or be of any assistance.
  17. I don't know if I believe this. is it a site that can be trusted ?
  18. I read this article earlier. I can't and won't attempt to defend him.
  19. He said he didn't have any idea what is on the emails.
  20. He said he didn't have any idea what is on the emails.
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