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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. What do you guys think about this? [Hidden Content]
  2. This"scandal" is making the Repubs look bad. It is my understanding that they aren't looking at her personal server.
  3. The case has NOT been reopened. [Hidden Content]
  4. They are being diligent, this doesn't mean that she did anything illegal. Wait for the report.
  5. A senior law enforcement official told NBC News Friday that the Comey letter was sent to the Hill "out of an abundance of caution" and to be extra-thorough. The official said the emails were discovered "on another device." There's no indication, the official said, that Clinton, her campaign or the State Department was withholding information. But the emails were not held by someone who was investigated in the Clinton email case, the official said.
  6. [Hidden Content] Some of Hilliary's accomplishments.
  7. [Hidden Content] Some of Hilliary's accomplishments.
  8. I know, is that why you like to yourself?
  9. Yeah right. Do you really believe that Bill has that much power? You guys act as if Hillary is Lex Luthor.
  10. So if she wasn't winning, would that mean it is rigged?
  11. I dont have to convince anyone. I am intelligent. You know that I am, you just don't want to admit the truth.
  12. She was vindicated. Everything else said about the legalities of those issues are mere conjecture.
  13. I know how to read Trump's tweets. I heard what he said on the audio recording about touching women, and I heard what he said in the debates, so yes, I believe them.
  14. You should've written "I bet Nash knew that." I before bet.
  15. You are correct. My husband and I both have pre-existing conditions. Thank God for the Affordable Healthcare Act.
  16. If your premium per month is more than 10% of your household income, you can shop on the exchange.
  17. Poor Steve Nash. That is not how it works. Why are you commenting on something you know nothing about? Is this better? This doesn't change the fact that you don't know what you are talking about.
  18. I can't believe that the race is so close in Texas.
  19. Touche...she is still going to win regardless of how I spelled her name. I voted yesterday, I didn't have to write her name, it was already there. So the fact that I didn't spell her name correctly is irrelevant.
  20. Touche...she is still going to win regardless of how I spelled her name. I voted yesterday, I didn't have to write her name, it was already there. So the fact that I didn't spell her name correctly is irrelevant.
  21. She has been a Senator for 8 years, the Secretary of State for 4 years. Trump was on the Celebrity Apprentice. Trump can't speak a coherent sentence, she can. Trump grabs women by their vaginas, she doesn't. Etc
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