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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. They endorsed Bill. That is what I read
  2. I think it has been 20 plus years since they endorsed a Democratic nominee. Drum roll please.......they endorsed Bill Clinton
  3. The National Enquirer endorsed Trump, that should count for something. Lmbo
  4. A response from one of my friends about you guys and your rigged election theory...... Those morons are so ignorant they don't even understand ALL voting is locally controlled, none is national..
  5. So maybe it is just rigged against Clinton. It is obvious that I am not as dumb as you are.
  6. Are you saying the DNC is going to rig the election for Hiliary? Al Gore was initially deemed the winner so I understand why he wanted an investigation. Gore didn't say before the election that if he lost, the election is rigged, that would've been an asinine statement. If Trump wins, does that mean the election is not rigged?
  7. If Hiliary Clinton has the ability to rig elections, why didn't she do so in 2008 when she was battling President Obama for the Democratic nomination?
  8. If Hiliary Clinton has the ability to rig elections, why didn't she do so in 2008 when she was battling President Obama for the Democratic nomination?
  9. If you say so. Where can I sign up? If I do two rallies a week, that's $3000. Roflmbo
  10. If you say so. Where can I sign up? If I do two rallies a week, that's $3000. Roflmbo
  11. So he won't ever concede due to his conspiracy theories? He made a complete ass out of himself last night. I don't care, Hiliary will still become the POTUS. Let him whine.
  12. If you say so. Where can I sign up? If I do two rallies a week, that's $3000. Roflmbo
  13. Why should I applaud him? I didn't stand, before Colin made his statement. I didn't feel like it..
  14. And he doesn't know what he is talking about. I would love to debate him. After 7 minutes, he would completely become unhinged. I would purposely say things to frustrate him. He is easily baited.
  15. Roflmao. He doesn't have a clue. He behaves like a 2 year old.
  16. If you lose a football game by 60 points, would you question the outcome?
  17. If he loses, why would he appeal? Al Gore did appeal,because he was initially declared the winner. He did eventually concede. Trump is going to get annihilated. Is he not ever going to concede?
  18. Are you a 100 % sure they were?
  19. Trump is pathetic. Did he answer a question? He said President Obama and Hiliary paid people 1500 to start riots at his rallies. He also said his show should've won an Emmy. The worst part is when he said that he would keep us in suspence in regards to him conceding. He lost badly. It was so sad to watch.
  20. He has every right to do so. "I ain't mad at him"
  21. I said we once owned a home health agency
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