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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. Have you ever walked up to a woman, that isn't your wife or girlfriend , and grabbed them by their vagina.
  2. He is grabbing woman, without their permission. Isn't that sexual assault?
  3. He brags about walking up to women and grabbing them by their vaginas. He shows so much class.
  4. My bad, arrogance ....i can't help but to be arrogant when I am dealing with idiots like you all
  5. Poor Steve Nash. That is not how it works. Why are you commenting on something you know nothing about.
  6. All insurance companies operate in that manner. Geez, you guys don't know anything
  7. No it is not. There are different companies on the exchange. Molina, Community Health Choice, Blue Cross/Blue Shield to name a few. Why don't you guys shut up and wait to November. Go to healthcare.gov and look for yourselves. You are making fools out of yourselves
  8. It depends on what plan you chose ;As well As, your income. Is this a fox news article. Never mind, I will look it up by the title.
  9. It depends on what plan you chose ;As well As, your income. Is this a fox news article. Never mind, I will look it up by the title.
  10. You are. The is not a such thing as Obama care. It is called the Affordable health care Act
  11. Reagan's son said this before Hiliary. I believe he said it during the last election
  12. So why are you voting for Trump. This accurately describes him.
  13. As he should. A person who is arrested for selling a dime bag of weed should be sentenced to 20 years in prison, while a person who raped someone only receives a sentence of 6 mos. There are people who have killed someone who get less time than the drug dealer. That is who he is realising, not hardened criminals. Do you read?
  14. What is the reason you are rambling? You sound insane.
  15. And not all Muslims are terrorists. I never said that all terrorist were white or vise versa. I am not that stupid. You asked me to find terrorist that are not Muslim. That is what I did.
  16. In November go to the website and shop for yourself. It is amazing that you even have an opinion being that you've never looked at the exchange. How dumb can one be.
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