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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. That's stupid. They should've subdued him according to my neighbor who is a cop. Why didn't they just take the gun when they had him down?
  2. Yep...he got what he deserved. Most of you guys wouldnt admit it even with a clear video. Remember the dude who was shot after having his hands in the air. He was lying on the road next to an autistic kid. I read every excuse in the book.
  3. This is horrible. I hate to hear about stuff like this.
  4. No you didnt. You always think the black person is wrong. Always!!!!!!
  5. No one has ever said that black men are always right. I admire You, because you are the only person on this site to admit that it might be a senseless shooting. I appreciate the comment. Thanks
  6. OHIO The Latest: Trump says he's troubled by Tulsa shooting Published September 21, 2016 Associated Press Facebook Twitter Email FILE - In this photo made from a Sept. 16, 2016 police
  7. Dont act like blacks are the only race committing crimes. African tribes practiced cannibalism because it held some cultural significance, albeit, disgusting. Jeremy Dahmer was eating people just because...
  8. Nope. My point is that a lot of you all on this post try to portray all African Americans as barbaric. If one of us gets gunned down by the cops, "He had it coming". I haven't seen anyone say that maybe the poor guy didn't deserve to be shot. White people also do some heinous things. You all don't focus on that. "Worry about black on black crime" , "He deserved it" are The things that are being posted. The comments are pathetic
  9. My son was in band in high school. I am glad that his trumpone was never mistaken for a gun.
  10. I read about a kid that walked into a church and killed several people. It was reported that the police officers took him to a burger joint after he was apprehended. This NEVER would have happened if he were a minority.
  11. He was high at the time. I don't think Dahmer did drugs. I am talking about eating in this great nation. EVERY race has animalistic people. White people are not superior. I am well aware of the African tribes. How many infamous black serial killers have you heard about?
  12. You are correct. We are arrested and convicted at higher rates.
  13. I taught at a predominantly minority school. We might have had 10 white people in the entire school. We had 3200 students Trust Me, they didnt care.
  14. Hell naw. We cant even carry saxophones around. I read that a black kid got shot by policemen, because they thought he was carrying a machine gun. I would not allow my 19nyear old to open carry and my 15 year old is not allowed to walk to the store at night to buy snacks, especially skittles.
  15. If I kill 75 people (i ate 3 of them) and no one finds out about It, subsequently, I won't be arrested, and my crimes would not be included in the statistical data.
  16. How do they know we commit more crimes? Isn't it based on the fact that we are arrested more. If one is not arrested, how do they figure out crime rates?
  17. So you're saying that white people don't eat people? (Jeremy Dahmer), have sex with dead people (Ted bundy) etc
  18. I am so proud of them. I wish i were there to show my support. Are they playing this weekend? If they are, do they plan on doing it again? I want to attend the game. Keep me informed, please.
  19. I don't know. That's not fair, if it's true. You probably saw that in some conservative bs website.
  20. They are having turf wars, something that is important to them, although it is stupid. Innocent people get killed by stray bullets. These white kids are killing people that haven't done anything to them, because they feel "different". You guys know that more than 32 people have been massacred in schools/theaters by angry white youth
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