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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. We are arrested more. We don't commit more crimes. Think about all of these white people eating each other, having sex with dead people, shooting up schools, slaughtering their parents. Every race has animalistic people. Minority crimes are reported more by the media.
  2. White people are violent as well. Google white terrorists. The angry white youth are committing school and theatre massacres in dtoves. Black gangs have turf wars. Angry white youth shoot 32 innocent classmates because they feel "isolated" and different.
  3. I know, right. People who belong to white supremist gangs don't ever do anything wrong. Yeah right
  4. What about "white " gangs. The skinheads and the other big one. My son told me the name of the gang, but I don't remember. Why don't we ever hear about the violence they inflict?
  5. I will never stand!!!. I taught high school health classes last uear and I did NOT make my students stand. Some teachers were horrified. I told them where to "shove it".
  6. Really? I think that more blacks are arrested and charged. We don't get the privilege of raping someone and getting a 6 mos sentence or being acquitted due to an "effluenza" defense.
  7. Oh well, who cares if you feel sad. We are the "land of the free" so I don't have to stand..
  8. HELLO!!!! How many of you guys stand for the pledge when it is played before a game that you are watching in the comfort of your homes?
  9. Good for them!!!!. They have a constitutional right NOT to stand.
  10. So. They are going to force people to stand for the pledge. How many of you guys stand for the pledge before watching a sporting event in your homes? I never stand for the pledge, I am not protesting anything, I just don't feel like standing.
  11. Duh....there are more white males than black males. We are talking about percentages.
  12. How many Republicans on this forum have a college degree? What about a high school diploma, or a GED?
  13. Yeah, right. Why should anyone believe you?
  14. I don't care what you guys say. ALL of Trump's supporters are deplorable.
  15. If Hiliary Clinton has committed as many crimes as you guys accuse her of commiting then she is the greatest criminal mastermind of all time
  16. You are delusional. Trump isn't exactly the poster boy as it pertains to morality. Lmbo
  17. You guys are so smart. You all never make a grammatical error. I envy you all.
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