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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. This is an inaccurate statement. She should've said ALL of them are a "basket of deplorables". I am very disappointed. (I didn't spell deplorables correctly in the topic section)
  2. I can comprehend, you guys don't have any valid points. Trump is always lying. You guys overlook all of the crazy things he has done thus far. He is a lunatic and he is not fit to be President. I have talked to people who plan on voting for him. They don't know his stance on any issues except that he wants to build a wall and he wants to make Muslims register with the government.
  3. I havent ever read a statement where any Republican on this site logically "backed up" their argument.
  4. Trump is not fit to be President and he wont be.
  5. He lied and said they didn't discuss building a wall, yet the Mexican President said he told Trump that he is not building a wall. There is something seriously wrong with Drumph. He hasn't explained the logistics of building the wall or how he would pull off such an monumental task. He is nuts....
  6. Your ignorance is astonishing. Smh
  7. I dont allow my son's to walk to The store when it is dark, that is one reason they haven't been shot. A guy made a comment to my son about him only being there, because of affirmative action.. The last question is just plain stupid.
  8. I want my sons to be able to walk to the store without being gunned down, because they look "suspcious". I want by son to attend Baylor (where he currently goes to school) without people assuming he is there, because of affirmative action. I want my sons to be able to step into an elevator with someone who does not clutch their purse at the sight of them. I could go on, but i am at work (gasp, i am a Democrat who works) and my supervisor just walked by.
  9. This is a load of crap. You guys will believe anything.
  10. The governor asked the President not to show up immediately . He said the preparation needed to secure the area would interfere with rescue efforts. I guess some of you guys (Republicans) don't read.
  11. FEMA didn't deliver Aid until weeks, after the flood, I believe. FEMA has always responded and has sent Aid to help in the relief efforts. That is the big difference.
  12. He felt the depth of security entail would have hindered the rescue efforts.
  13. The Latest: Governor Defends Obama's Response to Flooding Abcnews.go.com He states in this article that he prefers that the President wait a week or two before visting.
  14. The Louisanna governor asked them not to come. He said they would be a distraction. They listened, Trump didn't. Aid via FEMA has been sent.
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