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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. I don't receive free stuff either. Well, my job did give me a free water bottle yesterday and a t-shirt with their logo on it so I guess I do.
  2. I don't have a clue. Look above at what I quoted from you. It is not the same.
  3. According to the aforementioned article it wasn't. I dont know
  4. CBS News › news › donald-trump-plane
  5. I don't think it was a ransom. I will post a link. Reagan traded weapons for hostages. Remember the Iran Contra Scandal?
  6. He is not working for the Clintons. He is an idiot. He doesn't put much thought into what he says. He is a loose cannon.
  7. Clinton is coherent thoughts. Trump doesnt.
  8. Nash just ruined this informative discussion with his rhetoric.
  9. They do according to this article. How do you know what they feel?
  10. ABC News has learned that senior party officials are so frustrated -- and confused by Donald J. Trump's erratic behavior -- that they are exploring how to replace him on the ballot if he were to drop out. [Hidden Content]
  11. Trump should not run for President if he didn't know that Russia is the Ukraine. Period.... This reminds me of what happened to Gerald Ford. Trump is pathetic and so are you guys.
  12. Wow. His foreign policy knowledge leaves something to be desired. This is horrible.
  13. Trump didn't know that Russia is in the Ukraine? [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]=
  14. President Obama is one of the best ever!!!!!
  15. "When they go low, we go high." Michelle Obama "Mr Drumph, have you read the Constitution?" If not, I will give you a copy of mine" Khan ( I think that is his name CLASSIC
  16. The RNc was a joke. The DNC was awesome. " Donald Trump, have you read the Constitution, if not I will give you a copy of mine" khan When they go low, we go high. .Michelle Obama
  17. Right....my bad The GOP and the decreased credit rating [Hidden Content]
  18. The rating was lowered, because Ted Cruz shut down the government
  19. Most of you on this site are or incredibly . If the shoe fits, wear it. You know who you are.
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