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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. The rating was lowered, because Ted Cruz shut down the government
  2. You are a racist. My dad played basketball with you for years. Who locked him out of the gym? Do you remember?
  3. You are a racist. My dad played basketball with you for years. Who locked him out of the gym? Do you remember?
  4. Snd should know that the deficit is the most important.
  5. Did I say a super majority? Why wasn't the Speaker of the House at the time able to curtail Bush's spending? Why could Boener stop Ted Cruz from shutting down the government?
  6. Yet, they are still together. She could've "quit on him"years ago"but she didn't.
  7. Who bankrupted the country. Our deficit is lower than it has been under Bush.
  8. What will Trump accomplish? He can't even verbalize his plans. Oh, I forgot. He will make Amerikka great again and He will build a very large wall.
  9. Yeah right. When the republicans had a president in office and a majority in the house and Senate what did they accomplish during Bush's years in office? Bush 2
  10. Only an racist, idiot would vote for a man who is a narcissist, assh'"ole that doesn't have any political experience . Yes, I am pulling the race card. I call them like I see them
  11. Who bankrupted the country. Our deficit is lower than it has been under Bush.
  12. I meant racist bafoons. You are deflecting. You must be a racist
  13. Once sentence as opposed to 2 paragraphs in the same order as the previous speech
  14. At least she didn't plagiarize her speech
  15. I don't agree with her. We have too many racist baboons in this country.
  16. President Obama was elected, but the racist comments, people calling him a monkey, gorilla, shows that much progress is needed
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