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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. Hopefully I won't hear people chanting like 8 year olds "Lock him up", "Lock him up"
  2. I read that the email were not marked classified at the time. Only in retrospect
  3. Maybe you should have read the entire board before responding
  4. Why did Mrs Trump#3 say she wrote it on the Today Show
  5. How do I attach the video?
  6. Did you see the recent video of the behavioral specialist that was shot? He was helping an autistic kid who was playing in the street with a toy truck; of course, someone called the police. The guy told the policeman that the kid is autistic and was playing with a toy gun. The therapist lays on his stomach with his hands visibly in the air. He shouts."my hands are in the air" and he was still shot. He lived to tell his story ,and someone was recording the incident using their phone. That is ridiculous. What di you guys thing #blacklivesmattertoo
  7. One time my supervisor sent me instructions via email. I did what I was told to do. His supervisor said what I did was wrong and attempted to admonish me. (I ignored her). My supervisor denied giving me the instructions. I was livid. I wished I would ve kept that email. Unfortunately, I deleted it. It could've shown my innocence. Hindsight is 20/20.
  8. She wasn't charged with a crime. It was said that she used bad judgement. She didnt commit a crime. Colin Powell said he used his private email.That stupid advisor said in front of a group of people that she should be executed. "Where they do that at"
  9. It appears that you didn't give much thought when making this statement.
  10. Drumph is going to lose, and lose big.
  11. Drumph was stupid. Why would he ask one of his bitter adversaries to speak on his behalf?
  12. Someone was talking about Congress in the last 8 years hence i am talking about the president elected during that time period Geez
  13. The convention is horrible. All they do is bash Clinton. I don't know Drumph' s platform. To make matters worse, one of his staffers is being investigated by the Secret Service, because he said that she should be executed.. They are showing so much class. [Hidden Content]
  14. Do you agree that if a person is noncompliant they should be executed? I didn't know that resisting arrest is punishable by death. Aren't cops taught to deesculate a situation?
  15. Maybe he was standing his grown. He had a spooky white man following him and it was dark.
  16. Why did Mrs Trump #3 lie about graduating from college?
  17. Are you a 100% sure? Mrs Trump said she wrote hers.
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