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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. I said Tx Hoops is a lawyer that is his pen name. I asked if TVC 184 is one as well, because some people ask him a lot of legal questions. What is so hard to understand?
  2. He is on my Facebook page. What does that tell you? Think before responding.
  3. "Chachi" is speaking on behalf of Trump. Scott Baio. You can't get any worse than that. The GOP went from Clint Eastwood to Chachi. Wow!!!!
  4. They guys who beat that black kid, because he whistled at a white woman were acquitted as well.
  5. I am mot suprised. What happened to the Ferguson Police Dept?
  6. The fact that you wrote this shows you dont understand or know what you are talking about hence "it is a black thing, you dont undetstand."
  7. I know Tx Hoops is a lawyer. You all seem to ask this guy a lot of legal questions so I asked if he was a lawyer ; as well. Some of you are so defensive.
  8. So, he doesn't speak for everyone A police officer should not kill Someone, because they refuse to get out of the car. Aren't they taught to deesculate; instead of, escalate a situation. I taught a high school health science and medical terminology class. When a kid did something we didn't like we didn't beat them up or if a kid refused to leave the room we didn't kick the desk to make them fall out of the chair. We just waited, because eventually they would have to go to the bathroom. I learned that a kid was more apt to listen if they felt respected by a teacher rather then bullied.
  9. What is the total amount of people killed by cops per year? white,black, Hispanic, because some cops appear to be trigger happy.
  10. And you CANNOT change our perception.
  11. Do white people kill police officers? The cop killings are horrible and unjustified.If some of you guys are not black, you don't undetstand; thus you CANNOT tell us what we should think and feel or ridicule our feelings and our outrage at what we perceive as injustices. We had a saying in the early 90s "It is a black thing, you wont understand."
  12. What is the total amount of people killed by cops per year? white,black, Hispanic etc
  13. I believe that I have superior intellect when compared to you.
  14. I know what it is. Do you? What is more important the sent or the deficit. I think the deficit now is lower than it was under Bush. You might not understand, because you don't understand macroeconomic according to one of my friends. I laughably showed him some of your posts
  15. What is the current deficit? What was it under former presidents?
  16. When it pertains to being hanged from a tree by the KKK and entering a restaurant without being beaten to a pulp. Yes. Oh, and i can now ride in the front of the bus so yes things are better in those aspects.
  17. I guess you can't read, either? I never said it was ok for those cops to be slaughtered. If I did say that, how can some of you be offended when you say things like" he got what was coming to him" or "he deserved it", "He shouldn't have smoked weed around a child" , "he shouldn't have run away" when someone is executed by a cop. HYPOCRITES.
  18. I said it was a hyperbole added for effect. Can you not read?
  19. What is the current deficit? What was it under former presidents?
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