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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. No one said all cops are bad. There are some cops that need to find a different occupation. I talked to a officer who said that when he was preparing to become a cop, he received triple the amount of training that cops now receive. So yes, I believe that some cops are ill prepared to handle the stress that accompanies being a cop. Some are scared and open fire when it is not always deemed necessary. I have a black friend that is a cop and I really feel like he should find another job. He is trigger happy. He tells my husband and me stories that are jaw dropping.. Our friends think that he is an egomaniac and have often said he must've been bullied as a child. I have another friend who is a cop and his stories are totally different. He said that he was taught to disable a person first; instead of, initially going for a kill shot. Once a person is down, they were taught not to "unload"on them. They don't kill people for resisting arrest or "mouthing off". They were taught not to kill fleeing suspects. He also said that some cops are just scared punks. I believe the "raving gang of cops" comment is a hyperbole added for effect
  2. People were being lynched in droves. People from ALL races were murdered, because they believed in equal rights for all. Black people couldn't sit in a restaurant without being harassed, possibly beaten. A black person couldn't sit in the front of the bus without repercussions. This occurred because of sin.. The Civil Rights Act changed that. It became illegal to do the aforementioned things and because of that, THOSE types incidents don't frequently occur. So, I do think the politicians and laws can affect change or is it effect? I always get those two words confused.
  3. Someone wrote this on my Facebook page and i agree wholeheartedly. We need to demand changes in our justice system, and fix this problem. No one should attack law enforcement. No one. Inexcusable. The same can be said for the roving gangs of insecure, under-trained, mentally weak, lying, racist cops, who murder innocent civilians, daily. Without meaningful changes in our justice system, like proper training and weeding out cops that should never have had a gun and badge in the first place, this will never end. It's a two way street.
  4. [Hidden Content] Colin Powell said he didn't, as did Gates. If i understand correctly, some email were viewed as classified after it was written and the person was no longer serving in that capacity. The email should say classified when it is sent.
  5. I read that she didn't break any laws. Are the investigators classifying email "after the fact"? email-state-dept/story?id
  6. In this article he talks about the server issue and said she used bad judgement. [Hidden Content]
  7. [Hidden Content] is another article
  8. The article stated that these are his words. If The article is vaild, He appears to be defending her. Did he ever appear on "This week with George Stepanopoulous"? Speaking on ABC’s This Week With George Stephanopoulos today, Gatesdescribed the rampant overclassification, confusion, and retroactive classifications that have resulted in many of the emails Clinton handled on her private server being labelled classified AFTER THE FACT. Responding to a question about whether or not he would have a good idea of the degree of classification an email would be marked as in the future, Gates said:
  9. Hiliary didn't break any laws according to the investigations
  10. I am not concerned when it comes to ISIS. What does that have to do with the article I posted?
  11. Occupy Democrats POLITICS Bush’s Defense Secretary Defends Hillary’s Emails, Admits It Could’ve Happened to Him. This is the name of the article. The link eouldnt post
  12. Maybe, but isn't that what his lawyer is supposed to say. Would he admit that his client shot him, because of his fear and preconceived notions about black men?
  13. I was going to ask the same question. He doesn't appear to look at both sides.
  14. Hello. How are you doing? My son is currently a pre-med student a Baylor. He is thinking about changing to pre-law. His focus would be constitutional law or something similar, but he was told they only make 45000 a year. Is that true? If you don't mind me asking, can you tell me what type of lawyer are you

    1. TxHoops


      It just depends but most of those types of lawyers work for agencies (like the NAACP or anti-death penalty groups).  So that may be accurate.  I do general litigation - personal injury, civil, family, a little criminal, etc.  I can tell you it's easier to make money in the medical field, regardless of people whining about Obama-care.   And there are a lot more jobs there.  I'm encouraging both of my kids to go that route. 

    2. Big girl
  15. No, so how could the cop? The article also said the victim was licensed to carry a gun. I can assume that the African American had the biggest nose, based on sterotypes.
  16. I forgot that all black people look alike. How could he see how the guy looked in detail, before he pulled him over?According to the article, the robbery took place 4 days prior. Oh, the article mentioned that the cop said the victim had a wide nose. I guess the robbery suspect had a big nose.
  17. I read an article that said that the story is not true. He was not a armed robbery suspect. [Hidden Content]
  18. Wow, your wife has been working for 18 years and makes around 15/hr. She has fortitude. I admire her. I would be really frustrated.
  19. I read an article that said that the story is not true. He was not a armed robbery suspect. [Hidden Content]
  20. I have read several articles and none of them mentioned a robbery except a Conservative Time article. Here is one from NBC news and it doesnt mention a robbery.Can you post a link? Thank you. [Hidden Content]
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