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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. Black father's not being around when compared to other races is a myth, so there goes your theory. [Hidden Content]
  2. They shouldn't protest against "bad" cops? Is that what you are suggesting?
  3. Can you read? I never said EVERY cop shooting is unjustified.
  4. You know why. Do you think that there was ever an instance where a black person was killed by a cop needlessly? Please don't talk about black on black crime, white on white crime etc. Just answer yes or no.
  5. My son graduated from high school magna cum laude. He is currently a pre-medicine student at Baylor University. He fought twice in high school, both times it was self defense. On one occasion my son punched a guy and the dude started to bleed. I am wondering if he hypothetically was shot and killed needlessly (I rebuke the devil in the name of Jesus)by a police officer if they would bring up his past and say he was a "violent" young man because he was in 2 altercations in high school, one leading to "bloodshed"
  6. Because they realize that EVERY cop is not bad. Geez, that is a really stupid question.
  7. You think that every cop shooting is the result of defiance or disrespect?
  8. I know that all cops are not bad, but some are. A person should not be shot, because they have on a hoody. This guy is lucky that he encountered a nice cop. He is stupid if he thinks each encounter is the same.
  9. Why are you commenting? It wasn't your post. (Rolling my eyes in disgust, you )sicken me)
  10. We are currently talking about black people being gunned down. Duh!!!
  11. You never think a black killing is unjustified. If a non violent protest isn't the answer, what is? Kate's death is heartbreaking. I can admit that even though she is white. Why can't you, when the victim is black.
  12. I am frustrated, but I realize after talking to one of my white friends that we most likely wont agree on every issue. My life experiences are not his life experiences. We don't always see things the same. He thinks i make a big deal out of everything, but he thinks this shooting and the one is Baton Rouge was not justified. I know he is not a racist and he doesn't always understand what my rants are about, but SOME people on this board are just racist and they disgust me.
  13. I don't care what type of record he had, that doesn't make his killing justifiable . I don't see by looking at the video how he bought it on himself"
  14. Wow, I am shocked.... Not really, I already know this.
  15. Whomever shot them were wrong and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Are you saying that we should ignore a cop shooting a black person without just cause, because blacks kill other blacks? You mentioned a girl named Kate. Are you saying that her death shouldn't matter because 87% of white people kill other whites?
  16. Absolutely not. That is a stupid question. I expect that from you.
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